Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film
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Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film
Bibliografie des Fantastischen Films
Bibliography of Fantastic Film
literature list results

The literature list indexes sources from different countries in different languages. In principle the original spelling of each language was kept including its special characters. |info| Film, literature and music titles cited in the literature list are shown in italics. |info|

literature list on: Drogen

number of items: 31

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?R Series number unknown
Literature list

Beddies, Peter: "Was manche Kollegen unter Drogen machen, das kriege ich auch ohne hin": Ein Interview mit Terry Gilliam. In: Moviestar 6. 1998. No. 9(44). [September] p. 62.
On Terry Gilliam’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
Gilliam, Terry
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1997)
Drogen ~ Drugs

Benjumea, Gustavo Cerquera: Amazonian visions: Animating ghosts. - Toronto, Ontario: Ontario College of Art & Design, M.F.A. 2013. [Abstract in: Masters Abstracts International 52. 2014. No. 4. [August] p. ?P.]
Compares the concept of expanded animation to the effects of the Amazonian psychedelic brew "ayahuasca".
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Geister ~ Ghosts
Animation ~ Animation
Amazonas ~ Amazon
Drogen ~ Drugs

Biskind, Peter: Easy riders, raging bulls: How the sex-drugs-and-Rock’n Roll generation saved Hollywood. - New York: Simon & Schuster 1998.
Nitsche, Lutz: [untitled] In: Medienwissenschaft 2000. No. 1. pp. 73-75.
Discusses, among others, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese.
Lucas, George
Spielberg, Steven
Coppola, Francis Ford
Scorsese, Martin
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Hollywood ~ Hollywood
Drogen ~ Drugs

Biskind, Peter: Easy riders, raging bulls: Wie die Sex-&-Drugs-&-Rock’n’Roll-Generation Hollywood rettete. - Frankfurt/Main: Rogner & Bernhard bei Zweitausendeins 2000.
First edition:
[Easy riders, raging bulls: How the sex-drugs-and-Rock’n Roll generation saved Hollywood. - New York: Simon & Schuster 1998]
Discusses, among others, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese.
Lucas, George
Spielberg, Steven
Coppola, Francis Ford
Scorsese, Martin
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Hollywood ~ Hollywood
Drogen ~ Drugs

Biskind, Peter: La nouvelle Hollywood: Coppola, Lucas, Scorsese, Spielberg: La révolution d’une génération. - Paris: Le Cherche Midi Edition 2002. (= Documents.)
First edition:
[Easy riders, raging bulls: How the sex-drugs-and-Rock’n Roll generation saved Hollywood. - New York: Simon & Schuster 1998]
Lucas, George
Spielberg, Steven
Coppola, Francis Ford
Scorsese, Martin
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Hollywood ~ Hollywood
Drogen ~ Drugs

Ciment, Michel / Niogret, Hubert: The logic of soft drugs. In: The Coen brothers: Interviews. Edited by William Rodney Allen. - Jackson, Mississippi; London: Mississippi University Press 2006. (= Conversations with filmmakers.) p. ?P.
Coen, Ethan
Coen, Joel
Drogen ~ Drugs

Cook, Lana: Altered states: The American psychedelic aesthetic. - Boston, Massachusetts: Northeastern University, Ph.D. 2014. [Abstract in: Dissertation Abstracts International A 75. 2015. No. 8. [February] p. ?P.]
Discusses, among others, Roger Corman’s The Trip and Tobe Hooper’s Eggshells.
Corman, Roger
Hooper, Tobe
Trip, The (1967)
Eggshells (1969)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Wahnsinn ~ Madness
Drogen ~ Drugs

Cooper, Ian: Manson, drugs and Black Power: The countercultural vampire. In: Screening the undead: Vampires and zombies in film and television. Edited by Leon Hunt, Sharon Lockyer and Milly Williamson. - London; New York: I. B. Tauris 2014. p. ?P.
Manson, Charles
Drogen ~ Drugs
Politik ~ Politics
Ethnie ~ Ethnicity
Fernsehen ~ Television
Vampire ~ Vampires
Tod ~ Death

Delorme, Stéphane: Quand le cinéma était psychédélique. In: Cahiers du Cinéma 2014. No. 705. [November] pp. 58-62.
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Surrealismus ~ Surrealism
Experimentalfilme ~ Experimental Films
Drogen ~ Drugs

Dickinson, Sonia Darlene: A Burkean cluster analysis of racism, equality, and drug abuse in Alien Nation. - Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico, M.A. 1991. [Abstract In: Masters Abstracts International 30. 1992. No. 4. [Winter] p. 946.]
Alien Nation (TV)
Ethnie ~ Ethnicity
Drogen ~ Drugs

Drogen für die Bosse. In: Der Spiegel 46. 1992. No. 30. [July 20] pp. 172-174.
Interview with Tim Burton; especially on Batman Returns.
Burton, Tim
Batman Returns (1992)
Drogen ~ Drugs

Esper, Dwain: Marihuana, motherhood & madness: Three screenplays from the exploitation cinema of Dwain Esper. Edited by Bret Wood. - Lanham, Maryland; London: Scarecrow Press 1998.
Includes a filmography.
Esper, Dwain
Marihuana (1935)
Modern Motherhood (1934)
Sex Madness (1938)
Drogen ~ Drugs
Wahnsinn ~ Madness
Mutter ~ Mothers
Exploitation ~ Exploitation

Fisher, Carrie: Prinzessin Leia schlägt zurück: Mein verrücktes Leben zwischen Kokain, Elektroschocktherapie und einem schwulen Ehemann. Übersetzunf: Elisabeth Liebl. - München: mvg-Verlag 2011.
Fisher, Carrie
Lucas, George
Star Wars (Filmreihe)
Ehe ~ Marriage
Wahnsinn ~ Madness
Sexualität: Homosexualität ~ Sexuality: Homosexuality
Drogen ~ Drugs
Angst ~ Fear
Star Wars ~ Star Wars

Gerz, Raimund: Requiem For a Dream: Darren Aronofsky verfilmt Hubert Selbys Drogenroman. In: EPD Film 19. 2002. No. 4. [April] pp. 42-43.
Aronofsky, Darren
Selby, Hubert
Requiem For a Dream (2000)
Drogen ~ Drugs
Requiem For a Dream (Literatur ~ Literature)

Haas, C.: Headsploitation. In: Film Comment 19. 1983. No. 3. [May/June] pp. 67-70.
On the motif of drug abuse and the representation of psychic disease in late 1960s and early 1970s "headsploitation" films.
Krankheit ~ Illness
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Exploitation ~ Exploitation
Drogen ~ Drugs

Hanley, Richard: Drugs are M’kay!. In: South Park and philosophy: Bigger, longer, and more penetrating. Cobbled together by Richard Hanley. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2007. (= Popular culture and philosophy 26.) p. ?P.
South Park (TV)
Drogen ~ Drugs
Philosophie ~ Philosophy

Jones, Alan: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: Terry Gilliam on filming Hunter S. Thompson’s drug fantasy. In: Cinefantastique 30. 1998. No. 5/6. [September] pp. 120-122.
Gilliam, Terry
Thompson, Hunter S.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1997)
Fantasy ~ Fantasy
Drogen ~ Drugs

Koch, Michelle: Zwischen Himmel und Hölle: Rauschekstasen im Film. In: Ekstase. Hrsg. von Thomas Koebner. - München: edition text + kritik 2012. (= Projektionen: Studien zu Natur, Kultur und Film 6.) pp. 178 ff.
Religion: Hölle ~ Religion: Hell
Drogen ~ Drugs
Religion ~ Religion

Lawrenson, Edward / Leigh, Danny: Feeling needled. In: Sight and Sound NS 10. 2000. No. 12. [December] pp. 26-28.
Controversal debate over the representation of heroin in Darren Aronofsky’s Requiem For a Dream.
Aronofsky, Darren
Requiem For a Dream (2000)
Drogen ~ Drugs

MAERZ: Sex & Drugs & Cancan - Gib dir die Kante, Baby! Edge of Sanity. In: Splatting Image 1990. No. 2. [February] pp. 40-42.
Kikoïne, Gerard
Edge of Sanity (1988)
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Drogen ~ Drugs

McKahan, Jason Grant: The substance abuse film and the Gothic: Typology, narrative, and hallucination. In: Monsters in and among us: Toward a Gothic criminology. Edited by Caroline Joan (Kay) Picart and Cecil Greek. - Madison, New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press 2007. pp. 117-141.
Monster ~ Monster
Horror ~ Horror
Drogen ~ Drugs

Mel Gibson in der Drogen-Klemme: Schicksal aus Zeichnerhand. In: Geheim. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Autoren: Christian Hellmann, Artur Jung, Andreas Kern und Richard Pleuger. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1990. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 157-162.
On the storyboard designer Sherman Labby who worked for numerous action films, among them Richard Donner’s Lethal Weapon II and Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner.
Labby, Sherman
Gibson, Mel
Donner, Richard
Scott, Ridley
Lethal Weapon II (1988)
Blade Runner (1982)
Drogen ~ Drugs
Action ~ Action

Mulder, A.: De "thrill" tussen twee culturen. In: Skrien 1992. No. 185. [August/September] pp. 12-15.
On the drug motif in psycho thriller.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Drogen ~ Drugs

Packer, Sharon: Demon drugs or demon children: Take your pick. In: Monstrous children and childish monsters: Essays on cinema’s holy terrors. Edited by Markus P. J. Bohlmann and Sean Moreland. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company 2015. p. ?P.
Drogen ~ Drugs
Dämonen ~ Demons
Jugend ~ Youth
Monster ~ Monster

Packer, Sharon: Drugs, dystopias and utopias. In: Packer, Sharon: Neuroscience in science fiction films. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company 2014. p. ?P.
Wissenschaft ~ Science
Utopie ~ Utopia
Drogen ~ Drugs
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Packer, Sharon: Movies and the modern psyche. - Westport, Connecticut; London: Praeger 2007.
Includes, among others, chapters on dreams and hypnosis, madhouse and haunted houses, psychological thrillers and serial killers, films noir and Cold War paranoia, drugs and madness and on doubles and doppelgängers.
Allen, Woody
Wahnsinn ~ Madness
Traum ~ Dreams
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Mord ~ Murder
Krieg ~ War
Hypnose ~ Hypnosis
Film Noir ~ Film Noir
Drogen ~ Drugs
Doppelgänger ~ Double

Rosewarne, Lauren: American taboo: The forbidden words, unspoken rules, and secret morality of popular culture. - Santa Barbara, California: Praeger / ABC-CLIO, LLC 2013.
On sexual taboos in film. Includes, among others, chapters on homosexuality in animation and on the portrayal of drunks and drug users in film and television.
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Sexualität: Homosexualität ~ Sexuality: Homosexuality
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Fernsehen ~ Television
Drogen ~ Drugs
Animation ~ Animation

Rosner, Heiko: David Cronenbergs magischer Trip ins Reich des Drogenwahns: Naked Lunch. In: Cinema [Hamburg] 1992. No. 5(168). [?D] pp. 18-22.
Cronenberg, David
Naked Lunch (1991)
Magie ~ Magic
Drogen ~ Drugs

Rouiller, François: Stups & fiction: Drogue et toxicomanie dans la science-fiction. - Paris: Encrage / Belles lettres 2002.
On the motif of drugs and drug abuse in science fiction literature and film.
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Literatur ~ Literature
Drogen ~ Drugs

Sterneborg, Anke: Neue Drogen: Die DVD-Premiere John Dies at the End und der SciFi-Film Dredd. In: EPD Film 30. 2013. No. 6. [June] p. 63.
Coscarelli, Don
Travis, Pete
John Dies at the End (2012)
Dredd 3D (2012)
Drogen ~ Drugs

The Wild Boy: William S. Burroughs - Drogenvater einer Generation. In: Cinema [Hamburg] 1992. No. 5(168). [?D] p. 22.
On the author of the underlying novel for David Cronenberg’s Naked Lunch.
Cronenberg, David
Burroughs, William S.
Naked Lunch (1991)
Drogen ~ Drugs

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Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film

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