Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film
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Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film
Bibliografie des Fantastischen Films
Bibliography of Fantastic Film
literature list results

The literature list indexes sources from different countries in different languages. In principle the original spelling of each language was kept including its special characters. |info| Film, literature and music titles cited in the literature list are shown in italics. |info|

literature list on: Edel, Uli

number of items: 21

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?O City of publication unknown
?V Publishing company unknown
?J Year of publication unknown
?N Issue number unknown
?G Volume number unknown
?D Date of publication unknown
?P Number of pages unknown
?R Series number unknown
Literature list

Barth, Ariane: "Hier ist was von Wildwest". Teil 1: Regisseure. In: Der Spiegel 47. 1993. No. 22. [May 31] pp. 132-146.
On German directors in Hollywood. Discusses, among others, the work of Roland Emmerich, Wolfgang Petersen and Uli Edel.
Emmerich, Roland
Petersen, Wolfgang
Edel, Uli
Hollywood ~ Hollywood
Deutschland ~ Germany

Body of Evidence. - Wien: ?V ?J. (= Neues Filmprogramm 9598.)
Edel, Uli
Body of Evidence (1993)

Davis, Hugh H.: Moving west and beyond: Life in the midst of death in Purgatory. In: Undead in the West: Vampires, zombies, mummies, and ghosts on the cinematic frontier. Edited by Cynthia J. Miller and A. Bowdoin Van Riper. - Lanham, Maryland; London: Scarecrow Press 2012. pp. 220 ff.
Edel, Uli
Purgatory (1999)
Western-Filme ~ Western Films
Zombies ~ Zombies
Vampire ~ Vampires
Tod ~ Death
Geister ~ Ghosts

Dusonchet, Alexis: Les brumes d’Avalon. In: L’Écran Fantastique 2002. No. 218. [February] pp. 64-67.
Edel, Uli
Mists of Avalon, The (2000)

Eby, Douglas: The Little Vampire: Scripters Karey Kirkpatrick and Larry Wilson on crafting a kid’s horror/fantasy. In: Cinefantastique 32. 2000. No. 4/5. [December] pp. 20-21.
Edel, Uli
Kirkpatrick, Karey
Wilson, Larry
kleine Vampir, Der / Little Vampire, The (2000)
Horror ~ Horror
Fantasy ~ Fantasy

Gschwandtner, Harald: "Siegfried! Wir sind doch erst einen Tag verheiratet!": Tendenzen der Modernisierung und der Komplexitätsreduktion in Uli Edels Die Nibelungen: Der Fluch desDrachen (2004). In: Alles heldenhaft, grausam und schmutzig? Mittelalterrezeption in der Populärkultur. Hrsg. von Christian Rohr. - Wien; Zürich; Berlin; Münster: Lit 2011. (= Austria: Forschung und Wissenschaft, Geschichte 7.) pp. 197 ff.
Edel, Uli
Ring of the Nibelungs / Nibelungen, Die (2004)
Helden ~ Heros
Gewalt ~ Violence
Geschichte: Mittelalter ~ History: Middle Ages

Hamacher, Rolf-Ruediger: Der kleine Vampir. In: Film-Dienst 53. 2000. No. 20. [September 26] pp. 20-21.
Edel, Uli
kleine Vampir, Der / Little Vampire, The (2000)

Hawkes, Christopher: The Little Vampire. In: Sight and Sound NS 10. 2000. No. 11. [November] pp. 57-58.
Edel, Uli
kleine Vampir, Der / Little Vampire, The (2000)

Der kleine Vampir. - Wien: ?V ?J. (= Neues Filmprogramm 10681.)
Edel, Uli
kleine Vampir, Der / Little Vampire, The (2000)

Kleiner, Felicitas: Houdini: TV-Film über den legendären Bühnen-Magier. In: Film-Dienst 68. 2015. No. 11. [May 28] p. 54.
On a DVD edition.
Edel, Uli
Houdini (2014)
Magie ~ Magic
Fernsehen ~ Television

Klooss, Reinhard: Letzte Ausfahrt Brooklyn: Das Buch zum Film. - Köln: VGS 1989.
Edel, Uli
Last Exit to Brooklyn (1989)

Lukasz-Aden, Gudrun: "Ich habe nichts gegen das Wort Kinderfilm": Gespräch mit Richard Claus, Produzent des Films Der kleine Vampir. In: Kinder- und Jugendfilm Korrespondenz 21. 2000. No. 4(84). [?D] p. 27.
Edel, Uli
Claus, Richard
kleine Vampir, Der / Little Vampire, The (2000)
Jugend ~ Youth

Lukasz-Aden, Gudrun: Der kleine Vampir. In: Kinder- und Jugendfilm Korrespondenz 21. 2000. No. 4(84). [?D] pp. 10-11.
Edel, Uli
kleine Vampir, Der / Little Vampire, The (2000)

Mörchen, Roland: The Mists of Avalon. In: Film-Dienst 54. 2001. No. 16. [July 31] p. 36.
On a CD edition of the film score.
Edel, Uli
Mists of Avalon, The (2000)

Die Nebel von Avalon. - Nürnberg: Verlag Karin Stähle ?J. (= Phantopia-Filmprogramm 722.)
On Uli Edel’s The Mists of Avalon.
Edel, Uli
Mists of Avalon, The (2000)

Russell, Jamie: Sword of Xanten. In: Sight and Sound NS 15. 2005. No. 2. [February] p. 72.
On Uli Edel’s Ring of the Nibelungs.
Edel, Uli
Ring of the Nibelungs / Nibelungen, Die (2004)

Saul, MaryLynn: Powerful witches or weak damsels: Female characters in Arthurian films. In: Popular Culture Review 21. 2010. No. 1. [?D] pp. 75-85.
Discusses, among others, John Boorman’s Excalibur, Steve Barron’s Merlin and Uli Edel’s The Mists of Avalon.
Boorman, John
Barron, Steve
Edel, Uli
Excalibur (1981)
Merlin (1998)
Mists of Avalon, The (2000)
Religion: Hexen ~ Religion: Witches
Frauen ~ Women
Artus-Sage ~ Arthurian Legend

Schnelle, Frank: Body of Evidence. In: EPD Film 10. 1993. No. 2. [February] p. 41.
Edel, Uli
Body of Evidence (1993)

Sherwin, Miranda: Deconstructing the male gaze: Masochism, female spectatorship, and the femme fatale in Fatal Attraction, Body of Evidence, and Basic Instinct. In: Journal of Popular Film and Television 35. 2008. No. 4. [?D] pp. 174-182.
Lyne, Adrian
Edel, Uli
Verhoeven, Paul
Fatal Attraction (1987)
Body of Evidence (1993)
Basic Instinct (1992)
Sexualität: Sadomasochismus ~ Sexuality: Sadomasochism
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Männer ~ Men
Frauen ~ Women

Teichmann, Bernd: Body of Evidence. In: Cinema [Hamburg] 1993. No. 2(177). [?D] pp. 32-35.
Edel, Uli
Body of Evidence (1993)

Weingarten, Susanne: Irre Schreie. In: Der Spiegel 54. 2000. No. 41. [October 9] p. 242.
On Ulli Edel’s TV adaption of Marion Zimmer Bradley’s The Mists of Avalon.
Edel, Uli
Bradley, Marion Zimmer
Mists of Avalon, The (2000)
Fernsehen ~ Television
Mists of Avalon, The (Literatur ~ Literature)

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Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film

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