Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film
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Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film
Bibliografie des Fantastischen Films
Bibliography of Fantastic Film
literature list results

The literature list indexes sources from different countries in different languages. In principle the original spelling of each language was kept including its special characters. |info| Film, literature and music titles cited in the literature list are shown in italics. |info|

literature list on: Thriller

number of items: 653

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?O City of publication unknown
?V Publishing company unknown
?J Year of publication unknown
?N Issue number unknown
?G Volume number unknown
?D Date of publication unknown
?P Number of pages unknown
?R Series number unknown
Literature list

Abbott, Stacey: High concept thrills and chills: The horror blockbuster. In: Horror zone: The cultural experience of contemporary horror cinema. Edited by Ian Conrich. - London; New York: I. B. Tauris / New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2010. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Abel, Richard: The thrills of grande peur: Crime series and serials in the Belle Epoque. In: The Velvet Light Trap 1996. No. 37. [?D] pp. 3-9.
Kriminalität ~ Crime
Thriller ~ Thriller
Angst ~ Fear

Affari sporchi: Il film giallo negli anni ’80. A cura di Renato Venturelli. - ?O: Club amici del cinema 1991.
Comuzio, Ermanno: [untitled.] In: Cineforum 31. 1991. No. ?N(?N). [November] pp. 92-93.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Agenten-Thriller. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 54-63.
Discusses Michael Apted’s Gorky Park, Hitchcock’s North By Northwest, Sydney Pollack’s The Three Days of the Condor and John Schlesinger’s Marathon Man.
Apted, Michael
Hitchcock, Alfred
Pollack, Sydney
Schlesinger, John
Gorky Park (1983)
North by Northwest (1959)
Three Days of the Condor, The (1974)
Marathon Man (1976)
Spione ~ Spys
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Amengual, Barthélemy: Éloge de l’antisuspense! In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 180-186.
On the suspense thriller.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Arnold, Frank: FearDotCom: William Malones Horrorthriller über eine tödliche Website. In: EPD Film 20. 2003. No. 8. [August] p. 48.
Malone, William
FearDotCome (2002)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Arnold, Frank: Für Fans: The Editor versucht sich an einer Parodie auf den Giallo-Film. In: EPD Film 34. 2017. No. 11. [November] p. 41.
On a DVD edition.
Brooks, Adam
Kennedy, Matthew
Editor, The (2014)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Humor ~ Humor

Arnold, Frank: Horror und Suspense: Der Regisseur Val Guest ist am 10. Mai gestorben. In: EPD Film 23. 2006. No. 7. [July] p. 19.
Guest, Val
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Arnold, Frank: Kiss of the Dragon: Ein Actionthriller nach dem Baukastensystem. In: EPD Film 18. 2001. No. 11. [November] pp. 48-49.
Nahon, Chris
Kiss of the Dragon (2001)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Action ~ Action

Arnold, Frank: Open Water 2: Auf den Spuren des Erfolgsthrillers. In: EPD Film 23. 2006. No. 8. [August] p. 46.
Horn, Hans
Open Water 2: Adrift (2006)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Arnold, Frank: Spannung und Abenteuer: Zwei Klassiker von Michael Curtiz. In: EPD Film 35. 2018. No. 3. [March] p. 38.
On DVD editions of The Sea Wolf and Doctor X.
Curtiz, Michael
Curtiz, Michael
Sea Wolf, The (1941)
Doctor X (1932)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Abenteuer ~ Adventure

Arnold, Frank: Suspect Zero: Ben Kingsley und Aaron Eckhart in einem Thriller von E. Elias Merhige. In: EPD Film 21. 2004. No. 10. [October] pp. 44-45.
Merhige, E. Elias
Kingsley, Ben
Eckhart, Aaron
Suspect Zero (2004)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Arnold, Frank: Thriller mit Horror dabei. In: EPD Film 34. 2017. No. 6. [June] p. 42.
On DVD editions of several Italian "giallo" films.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Italien ~ Italy
Horror ~ Horror

Arnold, Frank: Thriller-Kombinat. In: EPD Film 26. 2009. No. 3. [March] p. 15.
On a Hitchcock exhibition at tne Museum for Film and Television Berlin.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller
Fernsehen ~ Television
Berlin ~ Berlin

Arnold, Frank: Twisted: Ashley Judd in einem Thriller von Philip Kaufman. In: EPD Film 21. 2004. No. 5. [May] p. 49.
Kaufman, Philip
Judd, Ashley
Twisted (2004)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Atkinson, Michael: Stealers of sleep. In: Sight and Sound NS 17. 2007. No. 11. [November] pp. 34-36.
On thriller-like recent French cinema. Discusses, among others, Dominik Moll’s Lemming.
Moll, Dominik
Lemming (2005)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Frankreich ~ France

Auiler, Dan / Rebello, Stephen: North by Northwest: The making of Hitchcock’s classic thriller. - London: Titan 2001.
Hitchcock, Alfred
North by Northwest (1959)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Auiler, Dan / Rebello, Stephen: North by Northwest: The making of Hitchcock’s classic thriller. - New York: St. Martin’s Press 2001.
Hitchcock, Alfred
North by Northwest (1959)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Badley, Linda: Cine-limbo: The millennial age/new age virtual afterlife thriller. In: Studies in Popular Culture 28. 2005. No.1. [October] pp. 1-14.
On near-death experiences and the afterlife in film.Discusses, among others, M. Night Shyamalan’s The Sixth Sense, Alejandro Amenábar’s The Others and Vincent Ward’s What Dreams May Come.
Shyamalan, M. Night
Amenábar, Alejandro
Ward, Vincent
Sixth Sense, The (1999)
Others, The (2001)
What Dreams May Come (1998)
Tod ~ Death
Religion ~ Religion
Thriller ~ Thriller
Cyberspace ~ Cyberspace

Baird, Robert: The startle effect: Implications for spectator cognition and media theory. In: Film Quarterly 53. 2000. No. 3. [Spring] pp. 12-24.
Psychological analysis of the horror and thrillergenre. Discusses, among others, Ridley Scott’s Alien and Jacques Tourneur’s Cat People.
Scott, Ridley
Tourneur, Jacques
Alien (1979)
Cat People (1942)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Angst ~ Fear

Bankston, Douglas: A deadly connection. In: American Cinematographer 83. 2002. No. 9. [September] pp. 60-73.
On the special effects for William Malone’s cyber thriller FearDotCome, especially on the camera work of Christian Sebaldt.
Malone, William
Sebaldt, Christian
FearDotCome (2002)
Technik: Kamera ~ Technology: Camera
Thriller ~ Thriller
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
Cyberspace ~ Cyberspace

Barcucci, Paolo: Lo sguardo del delitto. In: Filmcritica 34. 1983. No. 338. [October] pp. 438-442.
On mystery and suspense films.
Thriller ~ Thriller

The Bastard (Akutaro). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 34.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Akutaro (1963)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Bauer, Matthias: Aus dem eigenen Körper heraus - und in einen anderen hineinfahren: Immersion, Ekstase und Inkarnation im Actionthriller Face/Off. In: Ekstase. Hrsg. von Thomas Koebner. - München: edition text + kritik 2012. (= Projektionen: Studien zu Natur, Kultur und Film 6.) pp. 161 ff.
Wu Su-Yum [Pseudonym: Woo, John]
Face/Off (1997)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Körper ~ Bodies
Action ~ Action
Religion ~ Religion

Bayman, Louis: The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh and the giallo: An international film conference, Rome, 7-9 June 2015. In: Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies 5. 2017. No. 2. [March] pp. 273-277.
Martino, Sergio
strano vizio della Signora Wardh, Lo (1970)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Rom ~ Rome

Bean, Jennifer M.: "Trauma thrills": Notes on early action cinema. In: Action and Adventure cinema. Edited by Yvonne Tasker. - London; New York: Routledge 2004. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Action ~ Action
Abenteuer ~ Adventure

Becker, Sabine: Spannung im Film: Steven Spielbergs Sugarland Express, Der weiße Hai und Jäger des verlorenen Schatzes im Vergleich. - Marburg: Universität Marburg, Fachbereich 9: Institut für Neuere Deutsche Literatur, Medienwissenschaft, Magisterarbeit ?J (1989/1990).
Spielberg, Steven
Sugarland Express, The (1974)
Jaws (1975)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1982)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Behrens, Ulrich: Eine Parodie auf Suspense-Filme? Familiengrab. In: F.LM - Texte zum Film. Online edition, July 2003.
On Alfred Hitchcock’s Family Plot.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Family Plot (1975)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Humor ~ Humor

Behrens, Ulrich: Suspense vom Feinsten: Der unsichtbare Dritte. In: F.LM - Texte zum Film. Online edition, July 2003.
On Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest.
Hitchcock, Alfred
North by Northwest (1959)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Behrens, Ulrich: Voyeurismus und Suspense: Das Fenster zum Hof. In: F.LM - Texte zum Film. Online edition, July 2003.
On Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Rear Window (1954)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Bell, James: Shooting to thrill. In: Sight and Sound NS 16. 2006. No. 1. [January] p. 8.
Interview with Gela Babluani on 13 Tzameti.
Babluani, Gela
13 Tzameti (2005)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Bennett, Charles: Hitchcock’s partner in suspense: The life of screenwriter Charles Bennett. Edited by John Charles Bennett. - Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky 2014. (= Screen classic.)
Barr, Charles: [untitled.] In: Sight and Sound NS 24. 2014. No. 8. [August] p. 106.
Bennett, Charles
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Berbour, A. G.: Days of thrills and adventure: American serial cinema films 1913-1950. - New York: Collier Books / London: Macmillan 1975.
On the history of creepy and adventure film.
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Angst ~ Fear
Abenteuer ~ Adventure

Berenstein, Rhona J.: "It will thrill you, it may shock you, it might even horrify you": Gender, reception, and classic horror cinema. In: The dread of difference: Gender and the horror film. Edited by Barry Keith Grant. - Austin: University of Texas Press 1996. (= Texas film studies.) p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Angst ~ Fear
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Horror ~ Horror

Berenstein, Rhona J.: "It will thrill you, it will terrify you, it might even horrify you": Gender, reception, and classic horror cinema. In: The dread of difference: Gender and the horror film. Edited by Barry Keith Grant. Second edition. - Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press 2015. (= Texas film and media studies.) p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Sexualität ~ Sexuality

Bertolina, Gian Carlo: Un "revival" in giallo e nero. In: Rivista del Cinematografo 55. 1982. No. ?N. [June/August] p. 282.
On the Myfest Cattolica 1982.
Thriller ~ Thriller
International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest) ~ International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest)
Festival ~ Festival

Beylot, Pierre: Dans le fantastique. In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 121-127.
On suspense in fantastic film.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Binotto, Thomas: Die Dogmen des Altred Hitchcock. In: Zoom ?G. 1999. No. 8. [August] pp. 12-13.
On Hitchcock’s "Ten rules for suspense films".
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Binotto, Thomas: Master of Suspense trifft Meister der Stimmung. In: Zoom ?G. 2001. No. 3. [March] pp. 16-17.
On the meaning of Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau for the filmic work of Alfred Hitchcock.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Murnau, Friedrich Wilhelm
Thriller ~ Thriller

Binotto, Thomas: Schwarzer Todessaft: Schwarz-weiß-Filme verlagern das Blutrot in den Kopf. In: Film-Dienst 55. 2002. No. 3. [January 29] pp. 20-22.
On the representation of blood and bloodshed in black and white horror film and thriller.
Tod ~ Death
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Blut ~ Blood

Biodrowski, Steve: Giallo turns to Jello. In: Cinefantastique 27. 1996. No. 10. [June] pp. 50-51.
On Dario Argento’s La sindrome di Stendhal.
Argento, Dario
sindrome di Stendhal, La / Stendhal Syndrome, The (1995)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Böcking, Saskia: Grenzen der Fiktion? Von Suspension of Disbelief zu einer Toleranztheorie für die Filmrezeption. - Zürich: Universität Zürich, Dissertation 2007.
How viewers react to logical gaps and mistakes in suspense films. Discusses, as examples, the James Bond movies.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Böcking, Saskia: Grenzen der Fiktion? Von Suspension of Disbelief zu einer Toleranztheorie für die Filmrezeption. - Köln: von Halem 2008. (= Unterhaltungsforschung 5.)
How viewers react to logical gaps and mistakes in suspense films. Discusses, as examples, the James Bond movies.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Bonanomi, Claudio / Gajani, Donatella / Vitali, Maurizio: Il giallo e il grigio: Animazione musicale e pensionati. - Bologna: Editrice CLUEB 1992. (= Musica e scienze umane 8.)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Musik ~ Music
Animation ~ Animation

Bondanella, Peter E.: Mystery, gore, and mayhem: The Italian Giallo. In: Bondanella, Peter E.: A history of Italian cinema. - New York: Continuum 2009. p.?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Italien ~ Italy

Bonitzer, Pascal: Hitchcockian suspense. In: Everything you always wanted to know about Lacan (but were afraid to ask Hitchcock). Edited by Slavoj Zizek. - London; New York: Verso Books 1992. pp. 15-30.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Bonitzer, Pascal: It’s only a film o la facciata del nulla. In: Filmcritica 32. 1981. No. 311. [January] pp. 10-16.
On the techniques of suspense in film. Discusses, among others, the work of Alfred Hitchcock.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Bonitzer, Pascal: It’s only a film ou la face du neant. In: Framework ?G. 1981. No. 14. [Spring] pp. 22-24.
On the techniques of suspense in film. Discusses, among others, the work of Alfred Hitchcock.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Bordat, Francis: Pour le suspence quand même! In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 187-192.
On the suspense thriller.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Borrmann, Jennifer: Die Vorsehung: Mystery-Thriller mit Colin Farrell als Serienkiller. In: Film-Dienst 68. 2015. No. 26. [December 24] p. 45.
Poyart, Afonso
Farrell, Colin
Solace (2015)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Mord ~ Murder

Borrmann, Jennifer: Don’t Breathe: Thriller: Einbrecher-Trio gerät an den Falschen. In: Film-Dienst 69. 2016. No. 18. [September 1] p. 40.
Alvarez, Fede
Don’t Breathe (2016)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Borrmann; Jennifer: The Wailing - Die Besessenen: Mystery-Thriller als bitterböses Märchen über Glauben und Vorurteile. In: Film-Dienst 70. 2017. No. 21. [October 12] p. 40.
Hong-jin Na
Gok-seong (2016)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Religion ~ Religion
Märchen ~ Fairy Tales
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The

Bosley, Rachel K.: A model thriller. In: American Cinematographer 86. 2005. No. 10. [October] pp. 32-47.
On the camera work of Tristan Oliver and Dave Alex Riddett for Nick Park’s Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit.
Park, Nick
Oliver, Tristan
Riddett, Dave Alex
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005)
Technik: Kamera ~ Technology: Camera
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
Thriller ~ Thriller

Bowen, John: Television thriller serials. In: Listener 103. 1980. No. ?N. [?D] pp. 603-604.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Fernsehen ~ Television

Bragaglia, Cristina: Cattolica quatro. In: Segnocinema 3. 1983. No. 9. [September] pp. 89-91.
On the 1983 Myfest Film Festival dedicated to the thriller and detective film..
International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest) ~ International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Festival ~ Festival
Detektive ~ Detectives

Brand, Scott: Cargo: Da draussen bist du allein: Der erste cineastische SF-Thriller aus der Schweiz und seine Vorbilder. In: Der (neue) Mensch und seine Welten: Deutschsprachige fantastische Literatur und Science-Fiction. Hrsg. von Pawel Walowski. - Berlin: Frank & Timme 2017. (= Literaturwissenschaft, 1860-1952; 67.) p. ?P.
Engler, Ivan
Etter, Ralph
Cargo (2009)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Schweiz ~ Switzerland
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Literatur ~ Literature
Deutschland ~ Germany

Branded to Kill (Koroshi no rakuin). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 42.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Koroshi no rakuin (1967)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994.
Desser, David: [untitled] In: Film Quarterly 49. 1996. No. 3. [Spring] pp. 61-62.
Includes an annotated filmography and a bibliography.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Thriller ~ Thriller

Braun, Harald: Tran-Thriller aus De Palmas Täuscherwerkstatt: Mein Bruder Kain. In: Cinema [Hamburg] 1992. No. 12(175). [?D] pp. 64-65.
On Brian De Palma’s Raising Cain.
De Palma, Brian
Raising Cain (1992)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Braun, Helga: Ökothriller. In: Science Fiction Times 26. 1984. No. 2. [February] p. 18.
On Rainer Erler’s TV movie Das schöne Ende dieser Welt.
Erler, Rainer
schöne Ende dieser Welt, Das (1983)
Natur ~ Nature
Thriller ~ Thriller
Fernsehen ~ Television

Brereton, Pat: Hollywood utopia: Ecology in contemporary American cinema. - Bristol, GB; Portland, Oregon: Intellect Books 2005.
Includes chapters on ecologial subjects in conspiracy thrillers and science fiction from the 1950s to the 1990s as well as in postmodernist science fiction films.
Postmoderne ~ Postmodern
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Thriller ~ Thriller
Utopie ~ Utopia
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Natur ~ Nature
Hollywood ~ Hollywood

Briggs, Scott D.: Black sunday, black september: Thomas Harris’s thriller, from novel to film, and the terror of reality. In: Dissecting Hannibal Lecter: Essays on the novels of Thomas Harris. Edited by Benjamin Szumskyj. Foreword by Daniel O’Brien. - Jefferson, North Carolina; London: McFarland & Co. 2008. pp. 176-199.
Harris, Thomas
Thriller ~ Thriller
Mord ~ Murder

Brode, Douglas: Edge of your seat: The 100 greatest movie thrillers. - New York: Citadel Press 2003.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Broze, Gauthier: XVeme Festival International du Film Fantastique, de Science-Fiction & Thriller de Bruxelles. In: Le Moniteur du Film en Belgique ?G. 1997. No. 150. [February] p. 33.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Festival ~ Festival
Brüssel ~ Brussels

Bruschini, Antonio / Tentori, Antonio: Profonde tenebre: Il cinema thrilling italiano 1962-1982. - Bologna: Granata Press 1992. (= Ombre elettriche.)
Horror ~ Horror
Thriller ~ Thriller
Italien ~ Italy

Buendia, Patrice: Dans le James Bond. In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 102-111.
On suspense elements in the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond

Buendia, Patrice: Les héritiers d’Hitchcock. In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 62-69.
On suspense film in the tradition of Alfred Hitchcock. Discusses, among others, Brian De Palma’s Dressed to Kill, Martin Scorsese’s Cape Fear, Rob Reiner’s Misery and Paul Verhoeven’s Basic Instinct.
Hitchcock, Alfred
De Palma, Brian
Scorsese, Martin
Reiner, Rob
Verhoeven, Paul
Dressed to Kill (1980)
Cape Fear (1991)
Misery (1990)
Basic Instinct (1992)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Burns, William: Confessions of a battered horror fan: Dario Argento’s Dracula. In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Argento, Dario
Dracula 3D (2012)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: Fear and head-spinning: Kierkegaard and The Exorcist. In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Friedkin, William
Kierkegaard, Søren Aabye
Exorcist, The (1973)
Exorcist (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Angst ~ Fear
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: Forty years and still guessing: Black Christmas and the accidental birth of the slasher. In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Clark, Robert
Black Christmas (1974)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: Saw: The wrecker of civilization? In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Saw (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: The 13 horror films that deserve better. In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: The 13 horror movie adaptations that are better than the book. In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: The 13 most deranged horror director debuts. In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: The 13 most disturbing films that aren’t horror movies. In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: The 13 most glorious Godzilla films. In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Godzilla (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Godzilla ~ Godzilla
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: The 13 most phantasmagorical fantastique films. In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: The 13 most Satanic horror films. In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Religion: Teufel ~ Religion: Devil
Religion ~ Religion
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: The 13 most sickening art house horror movies. In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: The 13 most terrifying horror film soundtracks. In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Musik ~ Music
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: The 13 scariest horror TV shows. In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Fernsehen ~ Television
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: The 13 scariest made-for-TV horror films. In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Fernsehen ~ Television
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: The horror film primer: Witchcraft movies. In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Religion: Hexen ~ Religion: Witches
Religion ~ Religion
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016.
Inckudes several listings of horror films.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: We blew it: The death of ’the 60s on film. In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Politik ~ Politics
Horror ~ Horror

Burns, William: We’ll turn the light out on ya: Halloween, sex, and suburbia. In: Burns, William: The thrill of repulsion: Excursions into horror culture. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2016. p. ?P.
Halloween (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Horror ~ Horror

Buruma, Ian: The eccentric imagination of a genre film-maker. In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. pp. 18-23.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Thriller ~ Thriller

Busche, Andreas: Science-Thriller: Endlich auf DVD: Rainer Erlers wissenschaftskritische Miniserie Das blaue Palais. In: EPD Film 30. 2013. No. 3. [March] p. 61.
Erler, Rainer
blaue Palais, Das (TV)
Wissenschaft ~ Science
Thriller ~ Thriller

Busche, Andreas: Zodiac - Die Spur des Killers: David Finchers Thriller über einen historischen Kriminalfall. In: EPD Film 24. 2007. No. 6. [June] p. 37.
Fincher, David
Zodiac (2007)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Kriminalität ~ Crime
Geschichte ~ History

Buss, Esther: Remainder: Souveräner Spagat zwischen Thriller und Konzeptfilm. In: Film-Dienst 69. 2016. No. 10. [May 12] p. 37.
Fast, Omer
Remainder (2015)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Calderale, Mari: Guida ai film della paura. In: Segnocinema 2. 1982. No. 3. [March] pp. 11-41.
A short history of the horror and thriller genre from late 1960s to early 1980s.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Angst ~ Fear

Calhoun, John: A southern thriller relocates to New York. In: American Cinematographer 88. 2007. No. 4. [April] pp. 134-137.
On James Foley’s Perfect Stranger.
Foley, James
Perfect Stranger (2007)
Thriller ~ Thriller
New York ~ New York

Canova, Gianni / Rausa, Giuseppe: I "midnight movies" e scorpi il gusto di amare la paura / Il giallo è bello se è post moderno. In: Segnocinema 4. 1984. No. 14. [?D] pp. 73-75.
On horror films at the 1984 "Myfest" Festival Cattolica.
Angst ~ Fear
Thriller ~ Thriller
Nacht ~ Night
Horror ~ Horror
Festival ~ Festival
International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest) ~ International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest)

Carlson, Marvin: Deathtraps: The postmodern comedy thriller. - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press 1993.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Humor ~ Humor
Postmoderne ~ Postmodern
Tod ~ Death

Carmen from Kawachi (Kawachi karumen). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 39.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Kawachi karumen (1966)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Caron, André / Girard, Martin / Larue, Johanne: Brian De Palma. In: Séquences ?G. 1994. No. 168. [January] pp. 18-34.
Discusses, among others, De Palma’s relation to Hitchcock as well as the motifs of suspense and violence in De Palma’s films.
De Palma, Brian
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller
Gewalt ~ Violence

Caruso, U. G.: In vetrina i fantasmi del giallo. In: Segnocinema ?G. 1987. No. 30. [November] p. 28.
On the Myfest Cattolica 1987.
Thriller ~ Thriller
International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest) ~ International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest)
Festival ~ Festival

Casper, Drew: Postwar Hollywood, 1946-1962. - Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell 2007.
Includes chapters on special effects, on censorship cases, on the horror, science fiction and fantasy genre as well as the suspense thriller and film noir.
Zensur ~ Censorship
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Krieg ~ War
Horror ~ Horror
Hollywood ~ Hollywood
Film Noir ~ Film Noir
Fantasy ~ Fantasy

Castoldi, Gian Luca: Donne in prigione: Nazisti, horror e fantascienza, thriller, decameroni e film esotici. - Roma: Profondo rosso / Mondo ignoto 2005.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Frauen ~ Women
Faschismus ~ Fascism

Catelli, Daniela: Un colpo di giallo. In: Segnocinema 8. 1988. No. 35. [November] pp. 39-40.
On the Myfest Cattolica 1988.
International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest) ~ International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Festival ~ Festival

Chapman, James: A licence to thrill. In: The James Bond phenomenon: A critical reader. Edited by Christoph Lindner. - Manchester; New York: Manchester University Press / New York: Palgrave 2003. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond

Chapman, James: Licence [sic] to thrill: A cultural history of the James Bond films. - New York: Columbia University Press 2000.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond

Chapman, James: License to thrill: A cultural history of the James Bond films. - New York: Columbia University Press 2000.
First edition:
[London: Tauris 1999]
Cull, Nicholas J. [untitled] In: Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 20. 2000. No. 2. [June] pp. 265-266.
Tapp, Tom: [untitled] In: Variety 378. 2000. No. ?N. [April 3/9] p. 44.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond

Chapman, James: License to thrill: A cultural history of the James Bond films. - London: Tauris 1999. (= Cinema and society.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond

Charlot, Alain: Les 100 chefs-d’oeuvre du suspense. - Alleur: Marabout 1989. (= Marabout service 1852.)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Chateauvert, Jean: Les méchanismes. In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 136-141.
On the techniques of creating tense in film.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Chianese, As / Lupi, Gordiano: Filmare la morte: Il cinema horror e thriller di Lucio Fulci. - Piombino: Il foglio 2006. (= Splitscreen.)
Fulci, Lucio
Tod ~ Death
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Chinen Biesen, Sheri: "Rawness to romance": "Gothic" thrillers as film noir prototypes from Alfred Hitchcock to Orson Welles. In: Film noir prototypes: Origins of the movement. Edited by Alain Silver and James Ursini. - Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Applause Theatre & Cinema Books 2018. p. ?P.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Welles, Orson
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Film Noir ~ Film Noir

Choe, Steve: Exceptional thrills: Genrification, Dr. Mabuse, and Das Experiment. In: Generic histories of German cinema: Genre and its deviations. Edited by Jaimey Fisher. - Rochester, New York: Camden House 2013. (= Screen cultures: German film and the visual.) p. ?P.
Hirschbiegel, Oliver
Lang, Fritz
Dr. Mabuse (Filmreihe)
Experiment, Das (2000)
Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler (1921/1922)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Deutschland ~ Germany

Christensen, Claus: Ondskabens strategi: Amerikanske thrillers i 90’erne. In: Kosmorama 43. 1997. No. 219. [Summer] pp. 100-109.
On the "evil" as basic motif of the American thriller from the 1990s. Discusses, among others, David Fincher’s Se7en, Jonathan Demme’s The Silence of the Lambs and Michael Mann’s Heat.
Fincher, David
Demme, Jonathan
Mann, Michael
Se7en (1995)
Silence of the Lambs, The (1990)
Heat (1995)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The

Chute, David: Branded to thrill. In: Film Comment 28. 1992. No. 1. [January/February] pp. 20-22.
On the films of Seijun Suzuki.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Thriller ~ Thriller

Chute, David: Branded to thrill. In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. pp. 10-17.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Thriller ~ Thriller

Cieutat, Michel: Chronique d’une imposture: L’"erotic thriller". In: Positif 1996. No. 422. [April] pp. 98-100.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Sexualität ~ Sexuality

Cieutat, Michel: Les premiers maïtres. In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 48-54.
On James Williamson, George Albert Smith, Edwin S. Porter and David W. Griffith, masters of early suspense cinema.
Williamson, James
Smith, George Albert
Porter, Edwin S.
Griffith, David Wark
Thriller ~ Thriller

Claes, Guido: Festival van de Fantastische Film, Science-Fiction en Thriller van Brussels. In: Film en Televisie 1996. No. 462. [?D] p. 14.
Brüssel ~ Brussels
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Thriller ~ Thriller
Festival ~ Festival

Claßen, René: Apokalypse: Now! Anmerkungen zu modernen Psycho-Thrillern. In: Film-Dienst 49. 1996. No. 9. [April 23] pp. 10-11.
Discusses David Fincher’s Se7en, Kathryn Bigelow’s Strange Days, Jon Amiel’s Copycat and William Friedkin’s Jade.
Fincher, David
Bigelow, Kathryn
Amiel, Jon
Friedkin, William
Se7en (1995)
Strange Days (1995)
Copycat (1995)
Jade (1995)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Religion: Apokalypse ~ Religion: Apocalypse

Cobley, Paul: The American thriller: Generic innovation and social change in the 1970s. - New York: Palgrave 2001.
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Cobley, Paul: The semiotics of paranoia: The thriller, abduction, and the self. In: Semiotica 148. 2004. No. 1-4. [?D] pp. 317-336.
Wahnsinn ~ Madness
Thriller ~ Thriller

Cohen, Paula Marantz: Conceptual suspense in Hitchcock’s films. In: A companion to Alfred Hitchcock. Edited by Thomas Leitch and Leland Poague. - Chichester, West Sussex / Malden, Massachussetts: Wiley-Blackwell 2011. (= Wiley-Blackwell companions to film directors.) p. ?P.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Collin, Christian: Bruxelles: 15e Festival International du Film Fantastique, de science-fiction et thriller. In: Ciné-Fiches de Grand Angle ?G. 1997. No. 203. [April] pp. 49-50.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Festival ~ Festival
Brüssel ~ Brussels

Conforti, Angelo: Suspense-sorpresa: L’arte di ingannare lo spettatore. In: Cineforum 29. 1989. No. 1/2(?N). [January/February] pp. 67-74.
On Steven Spielberg’s Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Spielberg, Steven
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1982)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Contenti, Fulvio: La scoperta del fantastico. In: Filmcritica 35. 1984. No. 348/349. [October/November] pp. 466-471.
On mystery and suspense films.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Cooke, Anthony Carlton: "Walk among us": Moral panics and the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill in popular culture. - Druid Hills, Georgia: Emory University, Ph.D. 2015. [Abstract in: Dissertation Abstracts International A 77. ?J. No. 4. [?D]]
Discusses, among others, the representation of mental illness in horror, crime films, and thrillers.
Wahnsinn ~ Madness
Thriller ~ Thriller
Kriminalität ~ Crime
Krankheit ~ Illness
Horror ~ Horror

Cooke, Lez: Hitchcock and the mechanics of cinematic suspense. In: Twentieth-century suspense: The thriller comes of age. Edited by Clive Bloom. - Basingstoke: Macmillan Press / New York: St. Martin’s Press 1990. pp. 189-202.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Cop-Thriller. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 64-75.
Discusses, among others, Kathryn Bigelow’s Blue Steel, Michael Cimino’s Year of the Dragon, Reny Harlin’s Die Hard 2 and Walter Hill’s 48 Hours.
Bigelow, Kathryn
Cimino, Michael
Harlin, Renny
Hill, Walter
Blue Steel (1989)
Year of the Dragon (1985)
Die Hard II (1990)
48 Hours (1982)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller
Polizei ~ Police

Cotta Vaz, Mark: The thrill of the haunt. In: Cinefex 1996. No. 67. [September] p. ?P.
On the special effects for Peter Jackson’s The Frighteners.
Jackson, Peter
Frighteners, The (1996)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects

Cotta Vaz, Mark: The thrill of the hunt. In: Cinefex 1990. No. 42. [May] p. ?P.
On the special effects by ILM for John McTiernan’s The Hunt for Red October, especially on the work of effects supervisor Scott Squires.
McTiernan, John
Squires, Scott
Hunt for Red October, The (1990)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
Jagd ~ Hunt
ILM (Industrial Light and Magic) ~ ILM (Industrial Light and Magic)

Crespi, Alberto: Cattolica due. In: Segnocinema 1. 1981. No. 1. [Autumn] pp. 58-59.
On the Myfest Film Festival 1981 dedicated to thriller.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Festival ~ Festival
International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest) ~ International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest)

Crime, detective, espionage, mystery, and thriller fiction and film: A comprehensive bibliography of critical writing through 1979. Compiled by David Skene Melvin and Ann Skene Melvin. - Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press 1980.
Rubenstein, Lenny: [untitled] In: Cineaste 12. 1982. No. 1. [?D] p. 45.
Spione ~ Spys
Thriller ~ Thriller
Kriminalität ~ Crime
Detektive ~ Detectives

Cyrkun, Nina: Cine-mate-tri-ta-ta. In: Iskusstvo Kino 2001. No. 10. [October] pp. 167-170.
Feminist analysis of the thriller genre.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Frauen ~ Women

Dahm, Klaus: "Ein ganz normaler, dummer Thriller". In: Cinema [Hamburg] 1992. No. 12(175). [?D] p. 66.
Interview with Brian De Palma, especially on Raising Cain.
De Palma, Brian
Raising Cain (1992)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Daniel-richard, Debra: The dance of suspense: Sound and silence in North by Northwest. In: Journal of Film and Video 62. 2010. No. 3. [Fall] pp. 53-60.
Hitchcock, Alfred
North by Northwest (1959)
Tanz ~ Dance
Thriller ~ Thriller
Musik ~ Music

Davis, J. Madison: Alfred Hitchcock, creator and creation: Fictionalizing the "master of suspense". In: World Literature Today 87. 2013. No. 1. [?D] pp. 9-11.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

de France, Xavier: Les catégories et les formes. In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 38-45.
On several ways of creating suspense in film.
Thriller ~ Thriller

de la Bretèque, François: Dans les serials. In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 94-101.
On thriller elements in the silent film serials Judex and Fantômas by Georges Franju and Louis Feuillade.
Franju, Georges
Feuillade, Louis
Fantômas (Filmreihe)
Judex (Filmreihe)
Stummfilm ~ Silent Film
Thriller ~ Thriller

De Falco, Fabio: Giallo - die Farbe des Todes: Eine umfassende Chronologie: Der italienische Giallo-Film. - Hille: MPW 2007.
Heinz, Rainer: [untitled.] In: Film-Dienst 61. 2008. No. 15. [July 17.] p. 36.
Tod ~ Death
Italien ~ Italy
Thriller ~ Thriller

De Marinis, Gualtiero: Giallo e mistero, un coppia mal assortita. In: Cineforum ?G. 1982. No. ?N(217). [September] pp. 30-33.
Thriller ~ Thriller

De Wied, Marie Annette: The role of time structures in the experience of film suspense and duration: A study on the effects on anticipation time upon suspence and temporal variations on duration experience and suspense. - Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam, Proefschrift 1991.
Includes a Dutch summary.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Deavel, Catherine Jack / Deavel, David Paul: Knowing when to be afraid: Rationality and suspense. In: Hitchcock and philosophy: Dial M for metaphysics. Edited by David Baggett and William A. Drumin. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2007. (= Popular culture and philosophy 27.) pp. 239-252.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Suspicion (1941)
Birds, The (1962)
Spellbound (1945)
Wrong Man, The (1957)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Philosophie ~ Philosophy

Del Buono, Oreste: Alfred e Agatha. In: Segnocinema 2. 1982. No. 3. [March] pp. 12-15.
On the techniques of creating suspense in Alfred Hitchcock and Agatha Christie.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Christie, Agatha
Thriller ~ Thriller

Denby, David: Thrill of fear. In: New York Magazine 25. 1992. No. ?N. [January 6] pp. 50-51.
Spielberg, Steven
Hook (1991)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Angst ~ Fear

Derendinger, Franz: Befreiung der Schattenseite. In: Zoom 45. 1993. No. 4. [?D] pp. 12-20.
On the psycho thriller.
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Derry, Charles: The suspense thriller: Films in the shadow of Alfred Hitchcock. New edition. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland 2001.
Includes a bibliography.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Derry, Charles: The suspense thriller: Films in the shadow of Alfred Hitchcock. - Jefferson, North Carolina; London: McFarland 1988.
Taylor, John Russell: [untitled] In: Films and Filming ?G. 1989. No. ?N(414). [April] p. 48.
Includes a bibliography.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Dessere, Gérard: La scène primaire ou le thriller et ses thèmes fantastiques. In: Le cinéma fantastique. Réuni par Jean-Pierre Piton. (= Cinémaction 1995. No. 74. [?D]) pp. 94-100.
Discusses the work of Julien Duvivier, Robert Florey, Robert Siodmak, Jacques Tourneur, and Edgar G. Ulmer.
Duvivier, Julien
Florey, Robert
Siodmak, Robert
Tourneur, Jacques
Ulmer, Edgar G[eorge]
Thriller ~ Thriller

Detective and thriller films. In: Polish Film 1988. No. 3. [?D] pp. 23-27.
Includes a filmography.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Detektive ~ Detectives

Detective Bureau 2-3: Go to Hell, Bastards! (Tantei jimusho 2-3: Kutabare akutodomo). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 32.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Tantei jimusho 2-3: Kutabare akutodomo (1963)
Thriller ~ Thriller

di Claudio, Gianni: Il cinema North by Northwest: Poliziesco, noir, gangster film, spy story, thriller. - Chieti: Libereria Universitaria Ed. 2002.
Hitchcock, Alfred
North by Northwest (1959)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Kriminalität ~ Crime
Film Noir ~ Film Noir

Dick, Bernard F.: The screen is red: Hollywood, communism, and the Cold War. - Jackson, Mississippi: University Press of Mississippi 2016.
Discusses, among others, the representation of the East-West conflict in the horror, science fiction and thriller genre, especially in the films of Alfred Hitchcock.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Baudrillard, Jean
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Politik ~ Politics
Krieg ~ War
Kommunismus ~ Communism
Horror ~ Horror
Hollywood ~ Hollywood

Dickstein, Morris: Beyond good and evil: The morality of thrillers. In: American Film 6. 1981. No. 9. [July/August] pp. 49-52, 67-69.
On the figure of the "broken hero".
Thriller ~ Thriller
Helden ~ Heros
Gute, Das ~ Good
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The

Dickstein, Morris: Bortom gott och ont. In: Chaplin 22. 1982. No. 2(179). [?D] pp. 68-73.
On the thriller.
Thriller ~ Thriller

DiLeo, Michael: The spy who thrilled us: A guide to the best of the cinematic James Bond. - New York: Limelight 2002.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond

Dillon, Mark: Deadly moves. In: American Cinematographer 95. 2014. No. 7. [July] pp. 26-30.
On Kelly Reichardt’s eco-thriller Night Moves.
Reichardt, Kelly
Night Moves (2013)
Natur ~ Nature
Thriller ~ Thriller

Distelmeyer, Jan: D-Tox - Im Auge der Angst: Sylvester Stallone in einem schlcht gestrickten Thriller. In: EPD Film 19. 2002. No. 2. [February] p. 51.
On Jim Gillespie’s Eye See You.
Gillespie, Jim
Stallone, Sylvester
Eye See You (2000)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Distelmeyer, Jan: Nicht auflegen! Thrill auf engstem Raum: Joel Schumachers Telefon-Krimi. In: EPD Film 20. 2003. No. 8. [August] pp. 34-35.
On Phone Booth.
Schumacher, Joel
Phone Booth (2002)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Kriminalität ~ Crime

Distelmyer, Jan: Panic Room: David Finchers neuer Thriller: Ein Kammerspiel. In: EPD Film 19. 2002. No. 4. [April] pp. 36-37.
Fincher, David
Panic Room (2002)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Dizionario dei film gialli. A cura di Pino Farinotti. - Milano: SugarCo 1993.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Doense, Jan: Dutch master of suspense George Sluizer: Reflections on making thrillers and the death of River Phoenix. In: Cinefantastique 29. 1998. No. 11. [March] pp. 24-26, 28, 30-31.
Sluizer, George
Phoenix, River
Niederlande ~ Netherlands
Tod ~ Death
Thriller ~ Thriller

Dolar, Mladen: Der Zuschauer, der zuviel wußte. In: Ein Triumph des Blicks über das Auge: Psychoanalyse bei Alfred Hitchcock. Von Miran Bozovic [et al.]. Hrsg. von Slavoj Zizek. Übersetzt von Isolde Charim [et al.]. - Wien: Turia & Kant 1992. pp. 131-138.
On the suspense in the films of Alfrfed Hitchcock.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Dolar, Mladen: The spectator who knew too much. In: Everything you always wanted to know about Lacan (but were afraid to ask Hitchcock). Edited by Slavoj Zizek. - London; New York: Verso Books 1992. pp. 129-136.
On suspense in the films of Alfred Hitchcock.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Dorminsky, M.: O filme policial e o suspense. In: Cinema Novo 4. 1982. No. 24. [?D] pp. 13-14.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Dorn, Dieter: Il cubo giallo: Sul "Faust I": Lo spettacolo, il film. In: Cinema & Cinema NS 17. 1990. No. 57. [?D] pp. 61-67.
On Dieter Dorn’s Faust filming.
Dorn, Dieter
Faust (1987/1988)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Faust ~ Faust

Dossier cine de misterio: Los 39 escalonges de intriga. In: Dirigido 2003. No. 319. [January] pp. 28-73.
Special section on thriller and filmic suspense.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Draven, Danny.: Genre filmmaking. - Abingdon, Oxon; Waltham, Massachussetts: Focal Press 2012.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Horror ~ Horror

Draven, Danny.: Genre filmmaking: A visual guide to shots and style. - New York: Focal Press 2013.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Horror ~ Horror

Drews, Franziska: Die Inszenierung des Unheimlichen in dem Suspense Horrorfilm Der weiße Hai (engl. Jaws). - München: GRIN 2016.
Spielberg, Steven
Jaws (1975)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Angst ~ Fear

Droese, Kerstin: Thrill und Suspense in den Filmen Alfred Hitchcocks. - Coppengrave: Coppi Verlag 1995.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Droese, Kerstin: Thrill und Suspense in den Filmen Alfred Hitchcocks. - Hamburg: Universität Hamburg, Seminar für Englische Sprache und Kultur, Magisterarbeit ?J (1993/1994).
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Droushoudt, San: XIVeme Festival International du Film Fantastique, de Science-Fiction & Thriller de Bruxelles. In: Le Moniteur du Film en Belgique ?G. 1996. No. 139. [February] p. 27.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Festival ~ Festival
Brüssel ~ Brussels

Duarte, Fernando: Expressionismo, suspense e terror no ultimo Kubrick. In: Celulóide 26. 1981. No. 312/313. [March]. pp. 21-2.
Kubrick, Stanley
Shining, The (1980)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Expressionismus ~ Expressionism

Dubino, Jeanne: Romance meets horror and thriller in the films Misery and Basic Instinct. In: Clues 21. 2000. No. 1. [?D] pp. 23-48.
Reiner, Rob
Verhoeven, Paul
Misery (1990)
Basic Instinct (1992)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Duncan, Paul: Alfred Hitchcock: Meester van de suspense, 1899-1980. - Köln: Taschen 2003.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Durgnat, Ray: The business of fear. In: Sight and Sound NS 9. 1999. No. 8. [August] Supplement pp. 2-11.
On the thrillers from Hitchcocks English period: The Man Who Knew Too Much, The 39 Steps, Secret Agent, Sabotage, The Lady Vanishes and Young and Innocent.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Man Who Knew Too Much, The (1934)
Thirty-Nine Steps, The (1935)
Secret Agent (1936)
Sabotage (1936)
Lady Vanishes, The (1938)
Young and Innocent / Girl Was Young, The (1937)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Angst ~ Fear

Dworkin, Susan: Der Tod kommt zweimal oder Wie man einen Thriller dreht: Brian de Palma: Ein Hintergrundbericht aus der Hexenküche des "neuen Hitchcock". - Bergisch-Gladbach: Bastei-Lübbe 1985. (= Bastei-Lübbe 13021.)
First edition:
[Double de Palma. - New York: Newmarket Press 1984]
Morgenstern, Christine: [untitled] In: Filmfaust ?G. 1986. No. 53. [Juni/August] pp. 40-41.
On Body Double.
De Palma, Brian
Body Double (1984)
Thriller ~ Thriller

E-Nawab, Dina: Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho: Exemplarische Filmanalyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Suspense. - Alfeld: Coppi Verlag 1997. (= Aufsätze zu Film und Fernsehen 50.)
Hitchcock, Alfred
Psycho (1960)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Eberwein, Robert: The erotic thriller. In: Post Script 17. 1998. No. 3. [?D] pp. 25-33.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Sexualität ~ Sexuality

Ebinger, Inken: Dark Empire: Ein futuristischer Film Noir-Thriller von Alex Proyas. In: Moviestar 5. 1997. No. 12(35). [December] pp. 18-19.
On Dark City.
Proyas, Alex
Dark City / Dark World / Dark Empire (1997)
Futurismus ~ Futurism
Thriller ~ Thriller
Film Noir ~ Film Noir

Eby, Douglas: In Dreams: Director Neil Jordan on his new psychological horror thriller. In: Cinefantastique 31. 1999. No. 1/2. [February] pp. 8-9.
Jordan, Neil
In Dreams (1999)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Horror ~ Horror

Eby, Douglas: Lost Souls: Supernatural conspiracy thriller. In: Cinefantastique 31. 1999. No. 3. [March] p. 5.
Kaminski, Janusz
Lost Souls (2000)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Wunder ~ Miracles

Eby, Douglas: Stephen King’s The Green Mile: An on-the-set preview, filming King’s supernatural thriller. In: Cinefantastique 31. 1999. No. 9. [December] pp. 6-7.
Darabont, Frank
King, Stephen
Green Mile, The (1999)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Wunder ~ Miracles

Edwards, Graham: A moment of pure wonder: Approaching the Unknown. In: Cinefex 2016. No. 149. [October] p. ?P.
On the special effects for Mark Elijah Rosenberg’s independent small budget science fiction thriller.
Rosenberg, Mark Elijah
Approaching the Unknown (2016)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction

Edwards, Richard: Hitchcock before noir: Hitchcock’s Gaumont British thrillers as film noir prototypes. In: Film noir prototypes: Origins of the movement. Edited by Alain Silver and James Ursini. - Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Applause Theatre & Cinema Books 2018. p. ?P.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Gaumont [Firma] ~ Gaumont [Company]
Film Noir ~ Film Noir

Eichstädt, Björn: Giallo und die Geister: The Hideout. In: Splatting Image 2008. No. 73. [March] p. 65.
Avati, Pupi
nascondiglio, Il (2007)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Geister ~ Ghosts

Erotik-Thriller. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 30-43.
Discusses, among others, David Lynch’s Wild at Heart, Harold Becker’s Sea of Love, Adrian Lyne’s 9 1/2 Weeks and Bob Rafelson’s The Postman Always Rings Twice.
Lynch, David
Becker, Harold
Lyne, Adrian
Rafelson, Bob
Wild at Heart (1990)
Sea of Love (1989)
9 1/2 Weeks (1986)
Postman Always Rings Twice, The (1980)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller
Sexualität ~ Sexuality

Everman, Welch: Cult horror films: Offbeat thrillers from Alien Dead to Worm. - London: Virgin Publishing 1993.
Ray, Fred Olen
Alien Dead / It Fell From the Sky (1980)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Everman, Welch: Cult horror films: Offbeat thrillers from Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman to Zombies of Mora Tau. - Secaucus, New Jersey: Carol Publishing Group 1993. (= A Citadel Press Book.)
Juran, Nathan [Pseudonym: Hertz, Nathan]
Cahn, Edward L.
Attack of the 50 Foot Woman (1958)
Zombies of Mora Tau (1957)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Everman, Welch: Cult horror films: Offbeat thrillers from Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman to Zombies of Mora Tau. - London: Virgin Publishing 1993.
Juran, Nathan [Pseudonym: Hertz, Nathan]
Cahn, Edward L.
Attack of the 50 Foot Woman (1958)
Zombies of Mora Tau (1957)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Everschor, Franz: Suspense wie bei Hitchcock? In: Zoom 50. 1998. No. 9. [September] pp. 12-13.
On recent new filmings of Hitchcock subjects.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Everschor, Franz: Suspense wie bei Hitchcock? Ein halbes Dutzend Hitchcock-Stoffe wird neu verfilmt. In: Film-Dienst 51. 1998. No. 16. [August 4] pp. 40-41.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Eyles, A.: Cadavera at Cattolica. In: Stills ?G. 1983. No. 8. [September/October] p. 11.
On thriller and mystery films at the Myfest Cattolica.
Thriller ~ Thriller
International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest) ~ International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest)
Festival ~ Festival

Faulstich, Werner: Der neue Thriller: The Silence of the Lambs (Das Schweigen der Lämmer, 1991). In: Fischer Filmgeschichte. Band 5: Massenware und Kunst. Hrsg. von Werner Faulstich und Helmut Korte. - Frankfurt/Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 1995. (= Fischer Taschenbuch 4495.) pp. 270-287.
Demme, Jonathan
Silence of the Lambs, The (1990)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Fava, Claudio G.: N.Y.-L.A.: binomio giallo. In: Bianco e Nero 49. 1988. No. ?N. [October-December] pp. 83-85.
New York ~ New York
Thriller ~ Thriller
Los Angeles ~ Los Angeles
Stadt ~ City

The fearmakers: The screen’s directional masters of suspense and terror. Edited by John McCarthy. - New York: St. Martin’s Press 1994.
On the horror film.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Angst ~ Fear

The fearmakers: The screen’s directional masters of suspense and terror. Edited by John McCarthy. - London: Virgin Publishing 1995.
On the horror film.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Angst ~ Fear

Fendel, Heike-Melba: Die Stunde des Jägers: William Friedkins Thriller mit Benicio Del Toro und Tommy Lee Jones. In: EPD Film 20. 2003. No. 4. [April] pp. 42-43.
On The Hunted.
Friedkin, William
Del Toro, Benicio
Jones, Tommy Lee
Hunted, The (2003)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Fendel, Heike-Melba: Mord nach Plan: Sandra Bullock in einem Psychothriller von Barbet Schroeder. In: EPD Film 19. 2002. No. 7. [July] pp. 35-36.
On Murder by Numbers.
Schroeder, Barbet
Bullock, Sandra
Murder by Numbers (2002)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Fendel, Heike-Melba: Saw: Ein Horror-Thriller aus Australien. In: EPD Film 22. 2005. No. 2. [February] pp. 46-47.
Wan, James
Saw (2004)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Australien ~ Australia

Fendel, Heike-Melba: The Watcher: Keanu Reeves und James Spader - ein Traumpaar des Psychothrillers. In: EPD Film 18. 2001. No. 1. [January] pp. 40-41.
Charbanic, Joe
Reeves, Keanu
Spader, James
Watcher, The (2000)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Fendel, Heike-Melba: Vanilla Sky / Open Your Eyes: Cameron Cowes Remake des spanischen Kultthrillers. In: EPD Film 19. 2002. No. 2. [February] pp. 37-38.
Crowe, Cameron
Amenábar, Alejandro
Vanilla Sky (2001)
Abre los ojos (1997)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Spanien ~ Spain

Feng, Yunda Eddie: Revitalizing the thriller genre: Lou Ye’s Suzhou River and Purple Butterfly. In: Puzzle films: Complex storytelling in contemporary cinema. Edited by Warren Buckland. - Chichester, West Sussex; Malden, Massachussetts: Wiley-Blackwell 2009. p. ?P.
Lou, Ye
Suzhou he (2000)
Zi hudie (2003)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Zeit ~ Time

Fernandez, Jay A.: Summit gets on thriller Elevator. In: Hollywood Reporter 409. 2009. No. 8. [March 27] pp. 1-24.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Fighting Elegy (Kenka erejii). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 41.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Kenka erejii (1966)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Filmgenres: Thriller. Hrsg. von Thomas Koebner und Hans-Jürgen Wulff. - Ditzingen: Philipp Reclam 2013. (= Reclams Universal-Bibliothek 19145.)
Arnold, Frank: [untitled.] In: Medienwissenschaft 2015. No. 2. pp. 242-244.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Finler, Joel Waldo: All-time movie favorites: Comedies, thrillers, epics, musicals, love storys, westerns, war films and others. - London: Sundial Books 1975.
Humor ~ Humor
Western-Filme ~ Western Films
Thriller ~ Thriller
Musik ~ Music
Krieg ~ War

Fischer, Lucy: Cinematernity: Film, motherhood, genre. - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press 1996.
Hark, Ina Rae: [untitled] In: Film Quarterly 51. 1998. No. 4. [Summer] pp. 41-42.
Discusses, among others, some thrillers and hooror films, among them Roman Polanski’s Rosemarys Baby and Curtis Hanson’s The Hand That Rocks the Cradle.
Polanski, Roman
Hanson, Curtis
Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
Hand That Rocks the Cradle, The (1991)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Mutter ~ Mothers
Horror ~ Horror

Fischer, R.:Alfred Hitchcock zum 80. Geburtstag - "Suspense - eine subversive
Kraft". In: Filmfaust ?G. 1979. No. 15. [October] pp. 56-61.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Fisher, Austin: Political memory in the Italian hinterland: Locating the "rural giallo". In: Italian horror cinema. Edited by Stefano Baschiera and Russ Hunter. - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2016. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Politik ~ Politics
ländlich ~ rural
Horror ~ Horror
Italien ~ Italy

fkl: Fulminanter Thriller: Mystery. In: Film-Dienst 66. 2013. No. 18. [August 28] p. 48.
On a DVD edition.
Lou, Ye
Mystery (2012)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Flucht-Thriller. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 116-127.
Discusses, among others, Peter Hyams’s Narrow Margin.
Hyams, Peter
Narrow Margin (1989)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Forlai, Luigi: Detective, thriller e noir: Teoria e tecnica della narrazione. - Roma: Audino 2003. (= Manuali di script 35.)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Film Noir ~ Film Noir
Detektive ~ Detectives

Fowkes, Katherine A.: The Lord of the Rings (2001-3): Tolkien’s trilogy or Jackson’s thrillogy? In: Fowkes, Katherine A.: The fantasy film. - Chichester; Malden, Massachussetts: Wiley-Blackwell 2010. (= New approaches to film genre.) p. ?P.
Jackson, Peter
Lord of the Rings (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Fantasy ~ Fantasy

Fra suspense e psicoanalisi: Il cinema di Alfred Hitchcock. A cura di Paolo Pillitteri e Roberto Provenzano. - Milano: Arcipelago 1991. (= Linee 10.)
Hitchcock, Alfred
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Frank, Alan: Frank’s 500: The thriller guide. - London: Batsford 1997.
Horsley, Karen: [untitled] In: Cinema Papers 1998. No. 123. [March] p. 42.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Frederick, Robert B.: Dressed to Kill hits market; De Palma stays with suspense. In: Variety 299. 1980. No. ?N. [July 16] p. 41.
De Palma, Brian
Dressed to Kill (1980)
Thriller ~ Thriller

"Die Freiheit verfliegt": Filmemacher Curtis Hanson über Los Angeles und seinen Thriller L.A. Confidential. In: Der Spiegel 51. 1997. No. 49. [December 1] p. 209.
Hanson, Curtis
L.A. Confidential (1997)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Los Angeles ~ Los Angeles

Gajic, Alexander: Next: Nicolas Cage in einem Thriller von Lee Tamahori. In: EPD Film 24. 2007. No. 8. [August] p. 51.
Tamahori, Lee
Cage, Nicolas
Next (2007)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Gan, Su-Lin: Relative contributions of excitatory and hedonic qualities of entertaining films to the modulation of pain receptivity. - Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama, Ph.D. 1996. [Abstract in: Dissertation Abstracts International A 57. 1996. No. 6. [December] p. 2253.]
Examins the impact of watching suspense, horror, or erotic films on the test person’s pain sensitivity.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Horror ~ Horror
Krankheit ~ Illness

Gansera, Rainer: Mortal Transfer: Jean-Jacques Beineix’ Film schwankt zwischen Thriller und Groteske. In: EPD Film 19. 2002. No. 2. [February] p. 50.
Beineix, Jean-Jacques
Mortal Transfer (2001)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Gansera, Rainer: The Stratosphere Girl: M. X. Obergs cooler Thriller mit Manga-Zügen. In: EPD Film 21. 2004. No. 9. [September] p. 48.
Oberg, M[atthias] X.
Stratosphere Girl, The (2003)
Animation: Comics ~ Animation: Comics
Thriller ~ Thriller

Gardies, André: L’escape-temps du suspense. In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 130-135.
On suspense films.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Gardies, André: Un statut un peur flottant. In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 78-84.
On "suspense" film.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Angst ~ Fear

Gate of Flesh (Nikutai no mon). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 36.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Nikutai no mon (1964)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Genhart, Irene: Stille Reserven: Elegant fotografierter Science-Fiction-Thriller. In: Film-Dienst 70. 2017. No. 8. [April 13] p. 38.
Hitz, Valentin
Stille Reserven (2016)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction

Gerle, Jörg: 13 Sins: Thriller um ein sinisteres Spiel, das tödlich ernst wird. In: Film-Dienst 67. 2014. No. 26. [December 18] p. 50.
On a DVD edition.
Stamm, Daniel
13 Sins (2014)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Gerle, Jörg: Enemy - Collector’s Edition: Denis Villeneuves Psychothriller mit interessantem Bonusmaterial. In: Film-Dienst 67. 2014. No. 22. [October 23] p. 54.
On a DVD edition.
Villeneuve, Denis
Enemy (2013)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Gerle, Jörg: Europa Report: Sci-Fi-Thriller. In: Film-Dienst 66. 2013. No. 25. [December 5] p. 49.
On a DVD edition.
Cordero, Sebastián
Europa Report (2013)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction

Gerle, Jörg: Hacked: Cyber-Thriller. In: Film-Dienst 70. 2017. No. 4. [February 16] p. 54.
On a DVD edition.
Moore, John
I.T. (2016)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Cyberspace ~ Cyberspace

Gerle, Jörg: Hitchcocks Erben kommen aus Südkorea. In: Film-Dienst 66. 2013. No. 10. [May 9] pp. 22-23.
On Park Chan-Wook and the Korean thriller genre.
Park Chan-wook
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller
Korea ~ Korea

Gerle, Jörg: Hörbarer Suspense: Drei Einspielungen von Bernard Herrmanns Musik zu Hitchcocks Vertigo. In: Film-Dienst 50. 1997. No. 4. [February 18] pp. 8-9.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Herrmann, Bernard
Vertigo (1958)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Musik ~ Music

Gerle, Jörg: Ich. Darf. Nicht. Schlafen.: Thriller mit logischen Lücken. In: Film-Dienst 67. 2014. No. 23. [November 6] p. 43.
On Rowan Joffe’s Before I Go to Sleep.
Joffe, Rowan
Before I Go to Sleep (2014)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Gerle, Jörg: In Their Skin - Sie wollen dein Leben: Spannender Home-Invasion-Thriller. In: Film-Dienst 68. 2015. No. 24. [November 26] p. 52.
On a DVD edition.
Regimbal, Jeremy Power
In Their Skin (2012)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Krieg ~ War

Gerle, Jörg: Passengers: Science-Fiction-Thriller als spektakulärer Abgesang auf die Technikgläubigkeit. In: Film-Dienst 70. 2017. No. 1. [January 5] p. 38.
Tyldum, Morten
Passengers (2016)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Technik ~ Technology
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction

Gerle, Jörg: Psycho Raman: Indischer Serienkiller-Thriller. In: Film-Dienst 69. 2016. No. 21. [October 13] p. 54.
On a DVD edition of Anurag Kashyap’s Raman Raghav 2.0.
Kashyap, Anurag
Raman Raghav 2.0 (2016)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Mord ~ Murder
Indien ~ India

Gerle, Jörg: The Editor: Hommage ans Giallo-Genre. In: Film-Dienst 70. 2017. No. 18. [August 31] p. 54.
On a DVD edition.
Brooks, Adam
Kennedy, Matthew
Editor, The (2014)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Gerle, Jörg: The Ones Below: Paranoia-Suspense-Kino. In: Film-Dienst 69. 2016. No. 26. [December 22] p. 54.
On a DVD edition.
Farr, David
Ones Below, The (2015)
Wahnsinn ~ Madness
Thriller ~ Thriller

Gerstenkorn, Jacques: Les moments, les procédés et les situations-types. In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 153-157.
On narrative techniques in the suspense thriller.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Gervasi, Sacha: Dramatizing the master of suspense. In: American Cinematographer 94. 2013. No. 1. [January] p. 82.
The director on his biopic Hitchcock.
Gervasi, Sacha
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hitchcock (2012)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Gewalt-Thriller. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 76-85.
Discusses, among others, Peckinpah’s The Osterman Weekend and Scorsese’s Taxi Driver.
Peckinpah, Sam
Scorsese, Martin
Osterman Weekend, The (1983)
Taxi Driver (1975)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller
Gewalt ~ Violence

El giallo italiano: La oscuridad y la sangre. Ed. a cargo de Antonio José Navarro. - Madrid: Nuer Ed. 2001.
On the Italian horror film.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Italien ~ Italy
Horror ~ Horror
Blut ~ Blood

Giovannini, Fabio: Dario Argento: Il brivido, il sangue, il thrilling. - Bari: Dedalo 1986. (= Prisma 16.)
Argento, Dario
Thriller ~ Thriller
Blut ~ Blood

Giovannini, Fabio / Tentori, Antonio: Pioggia di sangue: Il cinema psychothriller americano. - Alessandria: Falsopiano 1997. (= Falsopiano Cinema 7.)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Blut ~ Blood

Gire, Dann: Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. In: Cinefantastique 20. 1990. No. 4. [March] p. 276 ff.
On the unexpected box office success of John McNaughton’s low budget horror thriller.
McNaughton, John
Henry - Portrait of a Serial Killer (1989)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Glancy, Mark: The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934): Alfred Hitchcock, John Buchan, and the thrill of the chase. In: Hitchcock at the source: The auteur as adaptor. Edited by R. Barton Palmer and David Boyd. - Albany: SUNY Press 2011. (= Horizons of cinema.) p. ?P.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Buchan, John
Man Who Knew Too Much, The (1934)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Golde, Inga: Der Blick in den Psychopathen: Struktur und Wandel im Hollywood-Psychothriller. - Kiel: Verlag Ludwig 2002.
Höltgen, Stefan: [untitled.] In: F.LM - Texte zum Film 2. 2003. No. 1. [?D] p. ?P.
Höltgen, Stefan: [untitled.] In: F.LM - Texte zum Film. Online edition, July 2003.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Hollywood ~ Hollywood

Götz, André: Below: Thriller: Ein U-Boot im Kampf mit mysteriösen Mächten. In: EPD Film 20. 2003. No. 4. [April] p. 43.
Twohy, David
Below (2002)
Schiffe ~ Ships
Thriller ~ Thriller

Gow, Gordon: Suspense in the cinema. - New York: A. S. Barnes and Company 1968.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Graf, Dominik: Destinazione München, Innsbruck, Prag, Venedig: Der letzte Kinozug in die Nacht - Zu Aldo Lados Giallo-Trilogie. In: Transnationale Medienlandschaften: Populärer Film zwischen World Cinema und postkolonialem Europa. Hrsg. von Ivo Ritzer und Harald Steinwender. - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2017. (= Neue Perspektiven der Medienästhetik.) pp. 361 ff.
Lado, Aldo
Venedig ~ Venice
Thriller ~ Thriller
Prag ~ Prague
Nacht ~ Night
München ~ Munich
Europa ~ Europe

Grams, Martin: Suspense: 20 years of thrills and chills. - Kearney: Morris 1997.
Svehla, Gary J.: [untitled] In: Midnight Marquee 1998. No. 57. [Summer] pp. 59-60.
On the radio and television program.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Fernsehen ~ Television

Grob, Norbert: "Die Zauberkräfte des Schattens": Zur Musikalität suggestiver Kinofilme. In: Grob, Norbert: Zwischen Licht und Schatten: Essays zum Film. - St. Augustin: Gardez! Verlag 2002. pp. 51-69.
Discusses, among others, the music for several Hitchcock thrillers.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller
Musik ~ Music

Grob, Norbert: Like Puppets on a String: Zur Phänomenologie des späten Spy Thriller. In: Grob, Norbert: Zwischen Licht und Schatten: Essays zum Film. - St. Augustin: Gardez! Verlag 2002. pp. 293-310.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Grossini, Giancarlo: Dizionario del cinema giallo: Tutto il delitto dalla A alla Z. - Bari: Dedalo 1985. (= Prisma 10.)
Horror ~ Horror
Thriller ~ Thriller

Guérin, Marie-Anne: Le silence dénaturé. In: Vertigo 2006. No. 28. [Summer] pp. 42-45.
On the use of silence to create a thrilling atmosphere in Laurent Achard’s La peur, petit chasseur and Charles Laughton’s The Night of the Hunter.
Achard, Laurent
Laughton, Charles
peur, petit chasseur, La (2004)
Night of the Hunter, The (1955)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Häger, Kathrin: Kaltblütig: Schnee-Thriller. In: Film-Dienst 67. 2014. No. 24. [November 20] p. 14.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Schnee ~ Snow

Hammond, Lawrence: Thriller movies: Classic films of suspense and mystery. - London: Octopus Books 1974. (= The Movie Treasury.)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Hanel, Heiko: Kein Thriller: Heart. In: Splatting Image 1999. No. 37. [March] pp. 65-66.
McDougall, Charles
Heart (1999)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Hanger, Bonnie: The woman sawed in half: Death, duality, and the female figure of postmodern psychodrama. - Detroit, Michigan: Wayne State University, Ph.D. 2001. [Abstract in: Dissertation Abstracts International A 62. 2002. No. 12. (June) p. 3974.]
Psychoanalytical and cultural examination of female subjectivity in the movies, especially in suspense and horror film. Discusses, among others, James Dearden’s A Kiss before Dying, Neil Jordan’s In Dreams, Tarsem Singh’s The Cell, Stephan Elliott’s Eye of the Beholder, Vincent Ward’s Map of the Human Heart, Jane Campion’s The Piano, Peter Jackson’s Heavenly Creatures and David Lynch’s Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me.
Dearden, James
Jordan, Neil
Singh, Tarsem
Elliott, Stephan
Ward, Vincent
Campion, Jane
Jackson, Peter
Lynch, David
Kiss before Dying, A (1991)
In Dreams (1999)
Cell, The (2000)
Eye of the Beholder (1998)
Map of the Human Heart (1992)
Piano, The (1993)
Heavenly Creatures (1994)
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992)
Tod ~ Death
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Postmoderne ~ Postmodern
Horror ~ Horror
Frauen ~ Women

Hanich, Julian: Cinematic emotion in horror films and thrillers: The aesthetic paradox of pleasurable fear. - New York; London: Routledge 2010. (= Routledge advances in film studies.)
Monceri, Flavia: [untitled.] In: Scope [Nottingham] 2011. No. 21. [?D] p. ?P.
Staats, Hans: [untitled.] In: Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 23. 2012. No. 2. [?D] pp. 351-354.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Angst ~ Fear

Hanson, Helen: Hearing, fearing: the sonic design of suspense in Cat People (1942). In: Film moments: Criticism, history, theory. Edited by Tom Brown and James Walters. - London: Palgrave Macmillan / British Film Institute 2010. p. ?P.
Tourneur, Jacques
Cat People (1942)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Angst ~ Fear

Hare, William: Hitchcock and the methods of suspense. Foreword by Robert Kendall. - Jefferson, North Carolina; London: McFarland 2007.
Armstrong, Stephen B.: [untitled.] In: Film Quarterly 63. 2009. No. 1. [Fall] pp. 80-81.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Hasan, Uzma: Teen Hitchcock. In: ScriptWriter 2007. No. 34. [May] pp. 63-65.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Hassoun, Jacques: A la racine, un sentiment de culpabilité. In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 28-30.
Psychoanalytical examination of filmic suspense.
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Hauschild, Markus: Suspense und Surprise: Untersuchung und Vergleich der Wissensverteilung in Spannungsmomenten zwischen Hauptfiguren und Zuschauern in Hitchcocks Vertigo und Clouzots Les Diaboliques. - München: GRIN Verlag 2012.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Clouzot, Henri-Georges
Vertigo (1958)
diaboliques, Les (1954)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Heat-Haze Theatre (Kagero-za). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 44.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Kagero-za (1981)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Heger, Christian: Augen der Angst: Blickinszenierung in Horrorfilm und Thriller. In: Heger, Christian: Im Schattenreich der Fiktionen: Studien zur phantastischen Motivgeschichte und zur unwirtlichen (Medien-)Moderne. - München: AVM 2010. pp. 40 ff.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Augen ~ Eyes
Angst ~ Fear

Heinrichs, Sonja: Erschreckende Augenblicke: Die Dramaturgie des Psychothrillers. - München: Utz 2011. (= Theaterwissenschaft 18.)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Angst ~ Fear

Hertel, Alexander: Predestination: Cleverer Zeitreise-Thriller. In: Film-Dienst 68. 2015. No. 3. [February 5] p. 54.
Spierig, Michael
Spierig, Peter
Predestination (2014)
Zeit ~ Time
Thriller ~ Thriller

Hertel, Alexander: Synchronicity: Dramatischer Zeitreise-Thriller. In: Film-Dienst 69. 2016. No. 14. [July 7] p. 54.
On a DVD edition.
Gentry, Jacob
Synchronicity (2015)
Zeit ~ Time
Thriller ~ Thriller

A hex upon Hollywood: The Blair Witch Project brew of Net buzz and low-budget thrills has Tinseltown spooked. In: Newsweek 134. 1999. No. 7. [August 16.] p. 50.
Myrick, Daniel
Sanchez, Eduardo
Blair Witch Project, The (1999)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Hollywood ~ Hollywood

Hicks, Neill D.: Writing the thriller film: The secret of terror. - Studio City: Wiese 2002.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Higgins, Scott: Suspenseful situations: Melodramatic narrative and the contemporary action film. In: Cinema Journal 47. 2008. No. 2. [Winter] pp. 74-96.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Action ~ Action

Hinkel, Arnulf: Fantasy Filmfest: 11. Internationales Festival für Science Fiction, Horror und Thriller. In: Moviestar 5. 1997. No. 9(31/32). [August/September] pp. 55-57.
Fantasy ~ Fantasy
Festival ~ Festival
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Horror ~ Horror

Hitchcock, Alfred: Conférence à l’Université de Columbia. In: Trafic 2002. No. 41. [Spring] pp. 12-19.
Reprint of a Hitchcock speech from the year 1939 discussing basic motifs in his films and his techniques of creating suspense.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Hodge, Thomas: VHS video cover art. - Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing 2015.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Action ~ Action
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Horror ~ Horror
Video ~ Video

Hofland, H. J. A.: De amaak van angst en onheil. In: Skoop 19. 1983. No. 6/7. [October] pp. 34-35.
On the techniques of generating fear in thriller and in science fiction film.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Angst ~ Fear

Holden, Stephen: Cheap thrills and fantasy from the drive-in-era. In: New York Times, October 26, 1990. p. C1pp.
On the 1990 New York Film Festival.
New York ~ New York
Fantasy ~ Fantasy
Festival ~ Festival
Thriller ~ Thriller

Holt, Wesley G.: The golden age of science fiction thrillers. In: Filmfax 1995. No. 50. [?D] pp. 30-32.
On a new Laserdisk edition.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction

Horguelin, Thierry: Festival du film fantastique, de science-fiction et thriller de Bruxelles. In: 24 Images 1992. No. 67. [?D] pp. 52-53.
Festival ~ Festival
Thriller ~ Thriller
Brüssel ~ Brussels
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction

Horror-Thriller. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 86-93.
Discusses, among others, Adrian Lyne’s Jacob’s Ladder, Alan Parker’s Angel Heart, the Alien films by Ridley Scott, James Cameron and David Fincher as well as the Cat People films by Paul Schrader and Jacques Tourneur.
Lyne, Adrian
Parker, Alan
Scott, Ridley
Cameron, James
Fincher, David
Tourneur, Jacques
Schrader, Paul
Jacob’s Ladder (1990)
Angel Heart (1987)
Alien (1979)
Aliens (1986)
Alien 3 (1992)
Cat People (1942)
Cat People (1982)
Alien (Filmreihe)
Cat People (Filmreihe)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Horst, Sabine: Allein unter Nachbarn: Es trifft mehr, als man denkt: Ein tödlicher Lotteriegewinn im Thriller von Álex de la Iglesia. In: EPD Film 19. 2002. No. 1. [January] pp. 46-47.
On La comunidad.
de la Iglesia, Alex
comunidad, La (2000)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Hourani, Nora N.: Thrills, chills and terror: An experimental study on horror film endings. - Fullerton, California: California State University, Fullerton, M.A. 1999. [Abstract In: Masters Abstracts International 37. 1999. No. 2. [April] p. 402.]
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Huckvale, David: Hammer films’ psychological thrillers, 1950/1972. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland 2014.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Hammer [Firma] ~ Hammer [Company]

Hunt, Leon: Kings of terror, geniuses of crime: Giallo cinema and fumetti neri. In: Italian horror cinema. Edited by Stefano Baschiera and Russ Hunter. - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2016. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Kriminalität ~ Crime
Horror ~ Horror
Italien ~ Italy

Hurley, Neil P.: Soul in suspense: Hitchcock’s fright and delight. - Metuchen, New Jersey; London: Scarecrow Press 1993.
Brookhouse, Christopher: [untitled] In: Hitchcock Annual 1993. pp. 157-161.
On Hitchcock’s experiences in a Jesuit scholl and how they influenced his later filmic work. Includes a filmography and a bibliography.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Religion ~ Religion
Angst ~ Fear
Thriller ~ Thriller

Hurley, Neil P.: Soul in suspense: The Catholic / Jesuit influences on Hitchcock. In: New Orleans Review 17. 1990. No. 4. [Winter] pp. 44-52.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller
Religion ~ Religion

Huschke, Roland: Das amerikanische Remake des Thrillers Nikita: Codename: Nina. In: Cinema [Hamburg] 1993. No. 7(182). [?D] pp. 70-71.
On John Badham’s Point of No Return / The Assasin.
Badham, John
Besson, Luc
Point of No Return / Assasin, The (1993)
Nikita (1990)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Huschke, Roland: Psycho-Thriller mit doppeltem Boden: Spurlos. In: Cinema [Hamburg] 1993. No. 7(182). [?D] pp. 72-73.
On George Sluizer’s The Vanishing.
Sluizer, George
Vanishing, The (1992)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

I coliri del nero: Cinema, letteratura, noir, Myfest: 10. festival internazionale del giallo e del mistero. A cura di Marina Fabbri e Elisa Rasegotti. - Milano: Ubulibri 1989.
Myfest ~ Myfest
Thriller ~ Thriller
Festival ~ Festival
Film Noir ~ Film Noir

I found it at the movies: An anthology of film poems. Edited by Ruth Roach Pierson. - Toronto, Ontario; Buffalo: Guernica 2014. (= Essential anthologies series 6.)
Discusses, among others, the thriller, horror and film noir genre.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Film Noir ~ Film Noir

Indick, William: Psycho thrillers: Cinematic explorations of the mysteries of the mind. - Jefferson, North Carolina; London: McFarland 2006.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Iskra, Nicole: Interview Dario Argento. In: Moviestar 4. 1996. No. 19. [June] pp. 25-26.
Interview on occasion of the "International Festival of Fantastic Film, Science Fiction and Thriller" at Brussels. Discusses especially The Stendhal Syndrome.
Argento, Dario
sindrome di Stendhal, La / Stendhal Syndrome, The (1995)
Festival ~ Festival
Thriller ~ Thriller
Brüssel ~ Brussels
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction

Iskra, Nicole: Interview Stuart Gordon. In: Moviestar 4. 1996. No. 19. [June] pp. 26-28.
Interview on occasion of the "International Festival of Fantastic Film, Science Fiction and Thriller" at Brussels.
Gordon, Stuart
Festival ~ Festival
Thriller ~ Thriller
Brüssel ~ Brussels
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction

Jachmann, Sven: Spannungsfolter: Hostel 2. In: F.LM - Texte zum Film. Online edition, November 2007.
Roth, Eli
Hostel: Part II (2007)
Gewalt ~ Violence
Thriller ~ Thriller

Jancovich, Mark: "Master of concentrated suspense": Horror, gender and fantasy in the critical reception of Fritz Lang during the 1940s. In: Studies in European Cinema 5. 2008. No. 3. [?D] pp. 171-183.
Lang, Fritz
Thriller ~ Thriller
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Horror ~ Horror
Fantasy ~ Fantasy

Jancovich, Mark: "Psychological thriller": Dead of Night (1945), British film culture, and the 1940s horror cycle. In: Speaking of monsters: A teratological anthology. Edited by Caroline Joan S. Picart and John Edgar Browning. - New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2012. p. ?P.
Cavalcanti, Alberto
Crichton, Charles
Dearden, Basil
Hamer, Robert
Dead of Night (1945)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Horror ~ Horror
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Monster ~ Monster

Jancovich, Mark:Thrills and chills: Horror, the woman’s film, and the origins of film noir. In: New Review of Film and Television Studies 7. 2009. No. 2. [June] pp. 157-171.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Frauen ~ Women
Film Noir ~ Film Noir

Jenny, Urs: Teufel noch mal! In: Der Spiegel 54. 2000. No. 52. [December 25] p. 200.
On M. Night Shyamalan*s mystery thriller Unbreakable.
Shyamalan, M. Night
Unbreakable (2000)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Religion: Teufel ~ Religion: Devil

Jenzowsky, Stefan / Wulff, Hans J.: Suspense & Spannung im Spielfilm. In: Medienwissenschaft 1996. No. 1. pp. 12-21.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Jetschin, Bernd: Endspiel in der Eifel. In: Filmecho/Filmwoche 63. 2009. No. 39. [September 25] pp. 36-37.
On Uwe Janson’s TV disaster thriller Vulkan.
Janson, Uwe
Vulkan (2009)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Katastrophen ~ Disasters
Fernsehen ~ Television

Johnson, Brian D.: Violence hits home: Cronenberg scores with a taut thriller that subverts a classic American genre. In: Maclean’s 118. 2005. No. 42. [October 17] p. 48.
Interview with the director.
Cronenberg, David
History of Violence, A (2005)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Johnston, Keith M.: "Three times as thrilling!": The lost history of 3-D trailer production, 1953-54. In: Journal of Popular Film and Television 36. 2008. No. 3. [Fall] pp. 150-160.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Technik ~ Technology
3-D Films

Johnston, Sheila: Kathryn Bigelow: Vicarious thrills. In: Kathryn Bigelow: Interviews. Edited by Peter Keough. - Jackson, Mississippi: University Press of Mississippi 2013. (= Conversations with filmmakers.) p. ?P.
Bigelow, Kathryn
Thriller ~ Thriller

Jones, Alan: Blood and cheap thrills. In: Clive Barker’s Shadows in Eden. Edited by Stephen Jones. Introduction by Stephen King. - Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Underwood Miller 1991. pp. 279-287.
On George Pavlou’s Rawhead Rex for which Clive Barler wrote the film script.
Barker, Clive
Pavlou, George
Rawhead Rex (1986)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Blut ~ Blood

Jones, Alan: Dario Argento’s giallo horror: The Italian maestro of gore on returning to his slasher movie roots. In: Cinefantastique 32. 2001. No. 6. [February] pp. 18-23.
On I Can’t Sleep (Non ho sonno). Discusses, among others, the role of Max von Sydow.
Argento, Dario
von Sydow, Max
Non ho sonno (2001)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Italien ~ Italy
Horror ~ Horror

Jones, Alan: Gory glory: Argento reinvents giallo in Nonhosonno. In: Cinefantastique 33. 2001. No. 1/2. [April] p. 123.
Argento, Dario
Non ho sonno (2001)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Jones, Alan: Hammer mystery and suspense. In: Cinefantastique 15. 1985. No. 1. [January] p. 13.
On a video edition with Hammer films.
Video ~ Video
Thriller ~ Thriller
Hammer [Firma] ~ Hammer [Company]

Jones, Alan: Spoorloos: George Sluizer’s thriller opened Hollywood doors. In: Cinefantastique 29. 1998. No. 11. [March] p. 27.
Sluizer, George
Spoorloos (1988)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Hollywood ~ Hollywood

Jones, Alan: The Ugly: Scott Reynolds debuts with a dark psycho-thriller. In: Cinefantastique 30. 1998. No. 1. [May] pp. 14-15.
Reynolds, Scott
Ugly, The (1997)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Juan-navarro, Santiago: Trapped in the house of mirrors: The Others as a transnational postmodern gothic thriller. In: Tracing the borders of Spanish horror cinema and television. Edited by Jorge Marí. - New York: Routledge 2017. (= Routledge research in cultural and media studies 107.) p. ?P.
Amenábar, Alejandro
Others, The (2001)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Spiegel ~ Mirror
Postmoderne ~ Postmodern
Fernsehen ~ Television
Horror ~ Horror
Spanien ~ Spain

Kannas, Alexia: All the colours of the dark: Film genre and the Italian giallo. In: Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies 5. 2017. No. 2. [March] pp. 173-190.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Italien ~ Italy

Kanthak, Dietmar: The Hole: Nick Hamms doppelbödiger Teenager-Thriller. In: EPD Film 18. 2001. No. 9. [September] p. 44.
Hamm, Nick
Hole, The (2001)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Jugend ~ Youth

Kanto Wanderer (Kanto mushuku). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 35.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Kanto mushuku (1963)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Kathrin Häger: Süßer Stress: Aufregend aufgeregte Erzählformen: Eine Hommage an das Adrenalin-Kino. In: Film-Dienst 70. 2017. No. 24. [November 23] pp. 10-15.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Kaufman, Debra: Caribbean heat. In: American Cinematographer 80. 1999. No. 4. [April] pp. 64-73.
On the experimental action thriller Third World Cop by Chris Browne, especially on the camera work of Richard Lannaman.
Browne, Chris
Lannaman, Richard
Third World Cop (1999)
Technik: Kamera ~ Technology: Camera
Thriller ~ Thriller
Experimentalfilme ~ Experimental Films
Action ~ Action

Keesey, Douglas: They kill for love: Defining the erotic thriller as a film genre. In: Cineaction 2001. No. 56. [September] pp. 44-53.
Discusses, among others, Paul Verhoeven’s Basic Instinct and Adrian Lyne’s Fatal Attraction.
Verhoeven, Paul
Lyne, Adrian
Basic Instinct (1992)
Fatal Attraction (1987)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Sexualität ~ Sexuality

Kemp, Philip: Beyond Bond. In: Sight and Sound NS 19. 2009. No. 10. [October] p. 8.
On the British spy thriller.
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain

Kendrick, Walter: The thrill of fear: 250 years of scary entertainment. - New York: Grove Weidenfeld 1991.
Bartholomew, David: [untitled] In: Cineaste 19. 1992. No. 2/3. [?D] pp. 86-87.
Beniger, James R.: [untitled.] In: Communication Research 20. 1993. No. 2. [?D] pp. 319-320.
Discusses, among others, the horror film.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Angst ~ Fear

Kennedy, Harlan: Things that go howl in the ID. In: Film Comment 18. 1982. No. 2. [March/April] pp. 37-39.
On horror films and thriller seen as reflex to social problems in the USA.
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Keßler, Christian: Das Geheimnis der schwarzen Handschuhe: Eine willkürliche Auswahl italienischer Thriller. In: Splatting Image 1994. No. 18. [June] pp. 7-16.
On the "giallo", the Italian thriller. Discusses, among others, Mario Bava’s Sei donne per l’assassino, Giulio Questi’s La morte ha fatto l’uovo, Maurizio Luicidi’s La vittima designata, Luciano Ercoli’s Le foto proibite di una signora perbene, Luigi Bazzoni’s Giornata nera per l’ariete, Enzo G. Castellari’s Gli occhi freddi della paura, Aldo Lado’s Chi l’ha vista morire?, Sergio Martino’s Il tuo vizio è una stanza chiusa e solo io ne ho la chiave, Umberto Lenzi’s Il coltello di ghiaccio, Lucio Fulci’s Non si sevizia un paperino, Roberto Montero’s Rivelazioni di un maniaco sessuale al capo della squadra mobile, Francesco Barilli’s Il profumo della signora in nero, Dario Argento’s Profondo rosso, Paolo Cavara’s E tanta pavra, Pupi Avati’s La casa dalle finestre che ridono, Antonio Bido’s Il gatto dagli occhi di giada and Lamberto Bava’s Body Puzzle.
Questi, Giulio
Luicidi, Maurizio
Ercoli, Luciano
Bazzoni, Luigi
Castellari, Enzo G.
Lado, Aldo
Martino, Sergio
Lenzi, Umberto
Fulci, Lucio
Montero, Roberto
Barilli, Francesco
Argento, Dario
Cavara, Paolo
Avati, Pupi
Bido, Antonio
Bava, Lamberto
Bava, Mario
morte ha fatto l’uovo, La / mort a pondu un oeuf, La (1967)
vittima designata, La (1971)
foto proibite di una signora perbene, Le (1971)
Giornata nera per l’ariete (1971)
occhi freddi della paura, Gli / Cold Eyes of Fear (1971)
Chi l’ha vista morire? (1972)
tuo vizio è una stanza chiusa e solo io ne ho la chiave / Excite Me / Eye of the Black Cat, The / Gently Before She Dies (1972)
coltello di ghiaccio, Il (1972)
Non si sevizia un paperino / Don’t Torture a Duckling (1972)
Rivelazioni di un maniaco sessuale al capo della squadra mobile (1972)
Profondo rosso (1975)
E tanta pavra (1976)
casa dalle finestre che ridono, La (1976)
gatto dagli occhi di giada, Il (1976)
Body Puzzle / Misteria(1991)
Sei donne per l’assassino / Blood and Black Lace / Fashion House of Death (1964)
profumo della signora in nero, Il (1973)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Italien ~ Italy

Keßler, Christian: Die Welt nach dem Satelliten: Ein weiterer Streifzug durch den italienischen Giallo-Film. In: Splatting Image 1999. No. 38. [June] pp. 5-8.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Italien ~ Italy

Keßler, Christian: Eine Handvoll blanker Messer: Noch ein paar Giallo-Schmankerln. In: Splatting Image 1999. No. 39. [September] pp. 13-18.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Italien ~ Italy

Kessler, Frank: Attraktion, Spannung, Filmform. In: Montage/AV 2. 1993. No. 2. pp. 117-126.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Kinnard, Roy: Fifty years of serial thrills. - Metuchen: Scarecrow Press 1983.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Klady, Leonard: Sons of "Gun". In: American Film 15. 1990. No. 4. [January] pp. 10-11.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Kleber, Reinhard: Déjà Vu - Wettlauf gegen die Zeit. In: Filmecho/Filmwoche 60. 2006. No. 50. [December 15] p. 27.
On Tony Scott’s time travel thriller.
Scott, Tony
Déjà vu (2006)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Kleber, Reinhard: Poseidon. In: Filmecho/Filmwoche 60. 2006. No. 27. [July 8] p. 47.
On Wolfgang Petersen’s catastrophe thriller.
Petersen, Wolfgang
Poseidon (2006)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Klein, Thomas: Fortitude: Gänsehaut-Thrill, der aus der Kälte kommt. In: Film-Dienst 69. 2016. No. 3. [February 4] p. 54.
On a DVD edition.
Fortitude (TV)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Kleiner, Felicitas: Blackhat: Hypnotischer "Cyber"-Thriller von Michael Mann. In: Film-Dienst 68. 2015. No. 3. [February 5] pp. 36-37.
Mann, Michael
Blackhat (2015)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Hypnose ~ Hypnosis
Cyberspace ~ Cyberspace

Kleiner, Felicitas: Die Behandlung: Düsterer Thriller aus Belgien. In: Film-Dienst 68. 2015. No. 2. [January 22] p. 53.
On a DVD edition of Hans Herbots’s De Behandeling.
Herbots, Hans
Behandeling, De (2014)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Belgien ~ Belgium

Kleiner, Felicitas: Jenseits der Unschuld: Bastard: Ein fesselnder Psychothriller um die Untat eines Kindes. In: Film-Dienst 66. 2013. No. 8. [April 11] p. 38.
Unger, Carsten
Bastard (2011)
Jugend ~ Youth
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Kleiner, Felicitas: The Return of the First Avenger: Captain America goes Bourne: Ein Superheldenfilm als Politthriller. In: Film-Dienst 67. 2014. No. 7. [March 27] p. 38.
Russo, Anthony
Russo, Joe
Whedon, Joss
Captain America: The Winter Soldier / Captain America 2 (2014)
Bourne (Filmreihe)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Helden ~ Heros

Kleiner, Felicitas: Verbrechen aus Leidenschaft? Love Crime: Alain Corneaus letzter Thriller erzählt vom tödlichen Duell zweier Frauen. In: Film-Dienst 66. 2013. No. 9. [April 25] p. 48.
On a DVD/Blu-ray edition.
Corneau, Alain
Crime d’amour (2010)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Kriminalität ~ Crime
Frauen ~ Women
Blu-Ray Disk ~ Blu-Ray Disc

Klingholz, Friederike: Alfred Hitchcock oder: wie ich lernte, die Bombe zu fürchten: Die Suspendierung des Wissensvorsprungs: Suspense als visuelle Konzeption. - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2010. (= Film, Medium, Diskurs 31.)
Hitchcock, Alfred
Notorious (1946)
Vertigo (1958)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Knops, Tilo R.: Die Logik des Detektivs und die Schaulust der Massen: Wurzeln und Anfänge des Detektivthrillers. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 172-191.
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller
Detektive ~ Detectives

Koebner, Sascha: Frozen Ground: Spannender Thriller mit Nicolas Cage und John Cusack. In: Film-Dienst 67. 2014. No. 1. [January 2] p. 49.
On a DVD edition.
Walker, Scott
Cage, Nicolas
Cusack, John
Frozen Ground, The (2013)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Koebner, Thomas: Angst vor Rot. In: Film-Dienst 55. 2002. No. 3. [January 29] pp. 56-59.
On the use of the colour red in film, especially in the thriller and horror genre.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Angst ~ Fear

Koebner, Thomas: Suspense und Surprise: Dramaturgie des Unvorhersehbaren. In: Lexikon des Internationalen Films: Kino, Fernsehen, Video, DVD. Redaktion: Horst Peter Kroll [et al.]. Herausgegeben vom Katholischen Institut für Medieninformation und der Katholischen Filmkommission für Deutschland. Band 2: H-P. - Frankfurt/Main: Zweitausendeins 2002. pp. H2-H6.
On the films of Alfred Hitchcock.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Koebner, Thomas: Suspense und Surprise: Hitchcocks Dramaturgie des Unvorhersehbaren. In: Film-Dienst 52. 1999. No. 16. [August 3] pp. 15-19.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Köhler, Heinz-Jürgen / Wulff, Hans J.: Bond in Angst und Schmerzen: Szenenspannung, Szenenauflösung und die Charakteristik des Helden. In: Montage/AV 8. 1999. No. 2. pp. 29-41.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond
Helden ~ Heros
Angst ~ Fear

Koll, Horst Peter: Luke Cage: Thriller-Serie um einen faszinierenden Helden des Marvel-Universums. In: Film-Dienst 69. 2016. No. 23. [November 10] p. 53.
On a DVD edition.
Coker, Cheo Hodari
Luke Cage (TV)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Marvel Comics [Firma] ~ Marvel Comics [Company]
Helden ~ Heros

Komm, D.: Dolzniki i kreditory: Russkij zanr. In: Iskusstvo Kino 2002. No. 2. [February] pp. 92-103.
On Russian thrillers.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Russland ~ Russia

Koven, Mikel J.: La dolce morte: Vernacular cinema and the Italian giallo film. - Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press 2006.
Hemphill, Jim: [untitled.] In: American Cinematographer. Online edition, March 2008.
Tod ~ Death
Thriller ~ Thriller
Italien ~ Italy

Koven, Mikel: Superstition and pseudoscience: The ambivalence of belief in the giallo film. In: Midwestern Folklore 30. 2004. No. 2. [?D] pp. 21-29.
Wissenschaft ~ Science
Thriller ~ Thriller
Religion ~ Religion

Krainhöfner, Jürgen: Spannung bis zum Totlachen: Scream 2. In: Moviestar 5. 1998. No. 5(40). [?D] pp. 30-33.
Craven, Wes
Scream 2 (1997)
Tod ~ Death
Thriller ~ Thriller

Kreutzer, Oliver: Projekt Zweifel: Verdachtsmomente im Paranoia-Thriller. In: Kino der Extreme: Kulturanalytische Studien. Hrsg. von Marcus Stiglegger. - St. Augustin: gardez! Verlag 2002. (= Filmstudien 8.) pp. 292-316.
Discusses, among others, Darren Aronofsky’s Pi and David Fincher’s Fight Club.
Aronofsky, Darren
Fincher, David
Pi (1998)
Fight Club (1999)
Wahnsinn ~ Madness
Thriller ~ Thriller

Kriest, Ulrich: Katz & Maus: Die Unfassbaren - Now You See Me: Sehen heißt Glauben: Ein magischer Thriller aus dem Geist der Illusionen. In: Film-Dienst 66. 2013. No. 14. [July 4] p. 46.
Leterrier, Louis
Now You See Me (2013)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Religion ~ Religion
Magie ~ Magic

Kriest, Ulrich: Zurück in den Uterus: Only God Forgives: Neo-Noir-Thriller von Nicolas Winding Refn. In: Film-Dienst 66. 2013. No. 15. [July 18] p. 46.
Refn, Nicolas Winding
Only God Forgives (2013)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Film Noir ~ Film Noir

Küppers, Petra: Thrill, Schrott und Freddie Francis: Fantasm 1995. In: Moviestar 3. 1995. No. 16. [?D] p. 15.
On the London Fantasm Film Festival.
Festival ~ Festival
Thriller ~ Thriller
London ~ London

Kutzera, Dale: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine: Taboo breaker: Another thrill gender bender, "Rejoined" echoes Trek’s legacy of exploring the nature of love. In: Cinefantastique 28. 1996. No. 4/5. [November] pp. 44-46.
Star Trek - Deep Space Nine (TV)
Star Trek (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Sexualität ~ Sexuality

Kwok, Yenni: Shock tratment. In: South China Morning Post [HK], June 12, 2008. p. C6.
On M. Night Shyamalan’s use of Hitchcock techniques to create suspense and on his latest film The Happening.
Shyamalan, M. Night
Hitchcock, Alfred
Happening, The (2008)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Angst ~ Fear

La Polla, F.: Truffaut e il giallo. In: Filmcritica 36. 1985. No. 352. [February] pp. 89-92.
Truffaut, François
Thriller ~ Thriller

LaFave, Kenneth: Experiencing film music: A listener’s companion. - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield 2017. (= The listener’s companion.)
Includes chapters on animation, science fiction and fantasy as well as on mystery film, thriller, and film noir.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Musik ~ Music
Film Noir ~ Film Noir
Fantasy ~ Fantasy
Animation ~ Animation

Lavender, A. M.: Thatcher’s thrillers: British television thriller serials of the 1980s. - London: Goldsmith’s College, Ph.D. 1996. [Abstract in: Index to Theses with Abstracts 46. 1997. No. 2. p. 484(46-3153).]
Thatcher, Margaret
Thriller ~ Thriller
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Fernsehen ~ Television

Lee, Nora: Total recall: Interplanetary thriller. In: American Cinematographer 71. 1990. No. 7. [July] pp. 44-52.
On the special effects for the film.
Verhoeven, Paul
Total Recall (1990)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects

Leigh, Janet / Christopher Nickens: Psycho: Behind the scenes of the classic thriller. - New York: Harmony Books 1995.
Franklin, Richard: [untitled] In: Cinema Papers 1996. No. 109. [April] pp. 46-48.
Hogan, David J.: [untitled] In: Filmfax 1995. No. 52. [September/October] p. 12.
Lightcap, Torey L.: [untitled] In: Journal of American Culture 21. 1998. No. 1. [?D] p. 98.
Silet, Charles L. P.: [untitled] In: MacGuffin 1996. No. 19. [May] pp. 16-18.
Turner, George: [untitled] In: American Cinematographer 76. 1995. No. 9. [September] pp. 101-102.
The actress on her role in the Hitchcock film.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Leigh, Janet
Psycho (1960)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Leigh, Janet / Nickens, Christopher: Psycho: Behind the scenes of the classic thriller. - London: Pavillion 1995.
The actress on her role in the Hitchcock film.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Leigh, Janet
Psycho (1960)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Leigh, Janet / Nickens, Christopher: Psycho: Hinter den Kulissen von Hitchcocks Kultthriller. - München: Heyne Verlag 1996. (= Heyne Filmbibliothek 243.)
First edition:
[Psycho. - New York: Harmony Books 1995]
Hitchcock, Alfred
Leigh, Janet
Psycho (1960)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Leith, Alex: John Buchan: Master of suspense. In: The John Buchan Journal 2010. No. 42. [?D] pp. 13-19.
Buchan, John
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Lemaire, Christophe: Giallo story. In: L’Avant-Scène Cinéma 2007. No. 560. [March] pp. 3-6.
On sex and horror in the Italian "giallo" thriller.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Italien ~ Italy
Horror ~ Horror

Léon, Paul: Le désir de suspense. In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 16-23.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Litwin, Mario: La musique à la rescousse. In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 149-152.
On music for the suspense thriller.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Musik ~ Music

Long, Harry H.: The Night Stalker (and other classic thrillers). In: Filmfax 2001. No. 83. [February/March] p. 28.
Kolchak: The Night Stalker (TV)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Losilla, Carlos: Los circulos de la violencia. In: Dirigido 2007. No. 364. [February] pp. 35-37.
On the representation of violence in 1970s American thrillers.
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Gewalt ~ Violence

Love Letter (Rabu Retaa). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 31.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Rabu retaa (1959)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Lowenstein, Adam: The giallo/slasher landscape: Ecologia del delitto, Friday the 13th and subtractive spectatorship. In: Italian horror cinema. Edited by Stefano Baschiera and Russ Hunter. - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2016. p. ?P.
Bava, Mario
Ecologia del delitto (1971)
Friday the 13th (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Natur ~ Nature
Horror ~ Horror
Italien ~ Italy

Lucas, Tim: Dirty pretty thing. In: Sight and Sound NS 19. 2009. No. 5. [May] p. 88.
On a DVD edition of Gustav Wiklund’s sex thriller Exponerad.
Wiklund, Gustav
Exponerad (1971)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Sexualität ~ Sexuality

Lück, Michael: Mystery, Crime, Thriller: Vom Sog dunkler Vergangenheit im Hollywood-Kino der 2000er Jahre. In: Hollywood reloaded: Genrewandel und Medienerfahrung nach der Jahrtausendwende. Hrsg. von Jennifer Henke, Magdalena Krakowski, Benjamin Moldenhauer und Oliver Schmidt. - Marburg: Schüren 2013. (= Schriftenreihe zur Textualität des Films 5.) pp. 171 ff.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Kriminalität ~ Crime
Hollywood ~ Hollywood

Luzón Aguado, Virginia: The family as target: Narratives of besiegement in the contemporary psychothriller. - Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza, D.E.A. 2000. [Abstract in: Masters Abstracts International 44. 2006. No. 3. p. 1071.]
Discusses, among others, Adrian Lyne’s Fatal Attraction, Barbet Schroeder’s Single White Female, Curtis Hanson’s The Hand That Rocks the Cradle and John Schlesinger’s Pacific Heights.
Lyne, Adrian
Schroeder, Barbet
Hanson, Curtis
Schlesinger, John
Fatal Attraction (1987)
Single White Female (1992)
Hand That Rocks the Cradle, The (1991)
Pacific Heights (1990)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Familie ~ Family

Lyden, John: Thrillers and horror movies. In: Lyden, John: Film as religion: Myths, morals, and rituals. - New York: New York University Press 2003. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Religion ~ Religion
Mythologie ~ Mythology

Magid, Ron: Night terrors. In: American Cinematographer 81. 2000. No. 6. [June] pp. 110-117.
On David Twohy’s sci fi thriller Pitch Black; especially on the camera work of David Eggby.
Twohy, David
Eggby, David
Pitch Black (2000)
Technik: Kamera ~ Technology: Camera
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Nacht ~ Night

Magid, Ron: Vic Armstrong: Thrill-Seeker. In: American Cinematographer 80. 1999. No. 12. [December] p. 64.
On the stuntman and his work for the James Bond film The World is Not Enough.
Armstrong, Vic
Apted, Michael
World is Not Enough, The (1999)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond

Maheo, Michel: Le suspense hitchcockien, à la source du "giallo". In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 70-75.
On the Italian suspense thriller in the Hitchcock tradition, especially on the films of Mario Bava.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Bava, Mario
Thriller ~ Thriller
Italien ~ Italy

Manduzio, Massimo: Cattolica tre. In: Segnocinema 2. 1982. No. 5. [September] pp. 51-53.
On the special section "thriller" at the 1982 "Myfest" Film Festival.
International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest) ~ International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Festival ~ Festival

Mansier, Christophe: L’attente et l’inattendu: suspense et surprise. In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 24-27.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Martig, Charles: Geheime Alchimie: Stigmata: Werbeästhetik im Horrorthriller. In: Film-Dienst 53. 2000. No. 2. [January 18] pp. 8-9.
Wainwright, Rupert
Stigmata (1999)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Martin, Carey: The master of suspense and the acrobat of the drawing room: How the relationship of Cary Grant and Alfred Hitchcock shaped their collaborations in Suspicion, Notorious, To Catch a Thief and North by Northwest. In: The Film Journal [Ohio] 2005. No. 12. [April] p. ?P.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Grant, Cary
Suspicion (1941)
Notorious (1946)
To Catch a Thief (1955)
North by Northwest (1959)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Martin, Nina K.: Sexy thrills: Undressing the erotic thriller. - Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press 2007.
Ramirez, Javier: [untitled.] In: Journal of Film and Video 61. 2009. No. 4. [Winter] pp. 58-60.
Stiglegger, Marcus: [untitled.] In: Medienwissenschaft 2007. No. 3. pp. 342-343.
Williams, Linda: [untitled.] In: Film Quarterly 62. 2008. No. 1. [?D] pp. 86-88.
Includes an chapter on eroticism in gothic film and in film noir.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Horror ~ Horror
Film Noir ~ Film Noir
Frauen ~ Women

Martin, Nina Katherin: Encounting soft-core thrills: Gender, genre and feminism in the erotic thriller film. - ?O: Northwestern University, Ph.D. 1999. [Abstract in: Dissertation Abstracts International A 60. 2000. No. 12. (June) p. 4223A.]
Thriller ~ Thriller
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Frauen ~ Women

Maslin, Janet: Terminator, suspense tale. In: New York Times, October 26, 1984. p. C19.
Cameron, James
Terminator, The (1984)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Mathieson, Craig: Cheaper thrills. In: Newsweek ?N. 1999. No. 6196. [October 19]. p. 106.
On The Blair Witch Project.
Myrick, Daniel
Sanchez, Eduardo
Blair Witch Project, The (1999)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Maxfield, James: The moral ambiguity of Kurosawa’s early thrillers. In: Film Criticism 18. 1993. No. 1. [?D] pp. 20-35.
Kurosawa, Akira
Thriller ~ Thriller

Mayer, Ruth: Virus discourse: The rhetoric of threat and terrorism in the biothriller. In: Cultural Critique 2007. No. 66. [Spring] pp. 1-20.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Katastrophen ~ Disasters
Krankheit ~ Illness

McCarty, John: Thrillers: Seven decades of classic film suspense. - London: Virgin Publishing 1992.
Thriller ~ Thriller

McCarty, John: Thrillers: Seven decades of classic film suspense. - New York: Carol Publishing Group 1992. (= A Citadel Press Book.)
Hogan, David J.: [untitled] In: Filmfax 1993. No. 37. [February/March] pp. 14, 30.
Thriller ~ Thriller

McDevitt, Jim / San Juan, Eric: A year of Hitchcock: 52 weeks with the master of suspense. - Lanham, Maryland; London: Scarecrow Press 2009.
Hemphill, Jim: [untitled.] In: American Cinematographer. Online edition, June 2009.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

McDougal, Stuart Y.: Mirth, sexuality and suspense: Alfred Hitchcock’s adaptation of The Thirty-Nine Steps. In: Literature/Film Quarterly 3. 1975. No. 3. [Summer] p. 232.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Buchan, John
Thirty-Nine Steps, The (1935)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Thirty-Nine Steps, The (Literatur ~ Literature)

McGowan, Todd: Hitchcock’s ethics of suspense: Psychoanalysis and the devaluation of the object. In: A companion to Alfred Hitchcock. Edited by Thomas Leitch and Leland Poague. - Chichester, West Sussex / Malden, Massachussetts: Wiley-Blackwell 2011. (= Wiley-Blackwell companions to film directors.) p. ?P.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Medioni, Bernard: Chassez le naturel, il revient au giallo. In: L’Écran Fantastique 2002. No. 219. [March] pp. 54-57.
Argento, Dario
Thriller ~ Thriller

"Mehr Action, mehr Spannung". In: Der Spiegel 52. 1998. No. 19. [May 4] p. 194.
Interview with Wim Wenders on City of Angels, the US remake of Der Himmel über Berlin.
Wenders, Wim
Silberling, Brad
Himmel über Berlin, Der (1987)
City of Angels (1998)
Action ~ Action
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Mendik, Xavier: Italian horror and the mezzogiorno giallo. In: A companion to the horror film. Edited by Harry M. Benshoff. - Chichester, West Sussex; Malden, Massachussetts: John Wiley and Sons 2014. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Italien ~ Italy
Horror ~ Horror

Merschmann, Helmut: The 4th Floor: Nachbarschaftlicher Terror im Psychothriller von Josh Klausner. In: EPD Film 17. 2000. No. 8. [August] pp. 51-52.
Klausner, Josh
4th Floor, The (2000)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Mesce, Bill, Jr: Overkill: The rise and fall of thriller cinema. - Jefferson, North Carolina; London: McFarland 2007.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Messias, Hans: Sanfter Schrecken und grelle Schocks: VI. Internationales Filmfestival "femme totale". In: Film-Dienst 50. 1997. No. 8. [April 15] pp. 14-15.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Festival ~ Festival
Frauen ~ Women
Angst ~ Fear

Met, Philippe:"Knowing too much" about Hitchcock: The genesis of the Italian giallo. In: After Hitchcock: Influence, imitation, and intertextuality. Edited by David Boyd and R. Barton Palmer. - Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press 2006. pp. 195-214.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller
Italien ~ Italy

Mihm, Kai: "Du stehst auf Wassersport?": William Friedkins umstrittener Thriller Cruising. In: EPD Film 25. 2008. No. 10. [October] p. 58.
On a DVD edition.
Friedkin, William
Cruising (1979)
Sexualität: Sadomasochismus ~ Sexuality: Sadomasochism
Thriller ~ Thriller
Sport ~ Sports

Mihm, Kai: Déjà vu - Wettlauf gegen die Zeit: Denzel Washington als Cop im Thriller von Tony Scott. In: EPD Film 24. 2007. No. 1. [January] p. 42.
Scott, Tony
Washington, Denzel
Déjà vu (2006)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Mihm, Kai: Down: Dick Maas’ Remake seines Thrillers De Lift. In: EPD Film 19. 2002. No. 3. [March] p. 51.
Maas, Dick
Maas, Dick
Down (2001)
Lift, De (1983)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Mihm, Kai: Final Call: Kim Basinger als Entführungsopfer in einem rasanten Thriller. In: EPD Film 22. 2005. No. 2. [February] pp. 36-37.
On David R. Ellis’s Cellular.
Ellis, David R.
Basinger, Kim
Cellular (2004)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Mihm, Kai: Hide and Seek - Du kannst dich nicht verstecken: Robert De Niro als gestresster Vater in einem Mystery-Thriller. In: EPD Film 22. 2005. No. 4. [April] p. 37.
Polson, John
De Niro, Robert
Hide and Seek (2005)
Vater ~ Fathers
Thriller ~ Thriller

Mihm, Kai: Memento: Christopher Nolan erzählt seinen Thriller von hinten nach vorne. In: EPD Film 18. 2001. No. 12. [December] p. 46.
Nolan, Christopher
Memento (2000)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Mihm, Kai: Sunshine: Ein Science-Fiction-Thriller von Danny Boyle. In: EPD Film 24. 2007. No. 4. [April] p. 54.
Boyle, Danny
Sunshine (2007)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction

Mihm, Kai: The Gift: Cate Blanchett brilliert in Sam Raimis Südstaaten-Thriller. In: EPD Film 18. 2001. No. 10. [October] p. 43.
Raimi, Samuel M.
Blanchett, Cate
Gift, The (2000)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Mihm, Kai: The Number 23: Jim Carrey im neuen Thriller von Joel Schumacher. In: EPD Film 24. 2007. No. 4. [April] p. 55.
Schumacher, Joel
Carrey, Jim
Number 23, The (2007)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Mihm, Kai: U-571: Jonathan Mostows U-Boot-Thriller erinnert an Petersens Das Boot. In: EPD Film 17. 2000. No. 9. [September] pp. 45-46.
Mostow, Jonathan
Petersen, Wolfgang
U-571 (2000)
Boot, Das (1981)
Schiffe ~ Ships
Thriller ~ Thriller

Mihm, Kai: Ziemlich durchschaubar: DVD-Premiere: Al Pacino in dem Thriller 88 Minutes. In: EPD Film 24. 2007. No. 11. [November] p. 62.
Avnet, Jon
Pacino, Al
88 Minutes (2007)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Mitchell, Lee: Fairy tales and thrillers: The contradictions of formula narratives. In: Literary Imagination 11. 2009. No. 3. [?D] pp. 278-290.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Märchen ~ Fairy Tales

Montes-Huidobro, Matias: From Hitchcock to Garcia Marquez: The methodology of suspense. In: Critical perspectives on Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Edited by Bradley A. Shaw and Nora Vera-Godwin. - Lincoln, Nebraska: Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies 1986. pp. 105-123.
Hitchcock, Alfred
García Márquez, Gabriel
Thriller ~ Thriller

Montini, Giovanni: 100 capolavori de cinema giallo. - Milano: Swan 1998. (= Collana 100 Cose.)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Moore, Matthew: Watching cosmic time in midcentury suspense films. - Vestal, New York: State University of New York at Binghamton, Ph.D. 2011. [Abstract in: Dissertation Abstracts International A 72. 2012. No. 10. (April)]
Discusses, among others, Alfred Hitchcock’s Shadow of a Doubt, Orson Welles’s The Stranger and Carol Reed’s Odd Man Out.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Welles, Orson
Reed, Carol
Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
Stranger, The (1946)
Odd Man Out (1947)
Zeit ~ Time
Thriller ~ Thriller

Moral, Tony Lee: Hitchcock’s moviemaking master class: Learning about film from the master of suspense. - Studio City, California: Michael Wiese Productions 2013.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller
Pädagogik ~ Paedagogy

Morris, Christopher D.: The hanging figure: On suspense and the films of Alfred Hitchcock. - Westport, Connecticut; London: Praeger 2002.
Spinks, Randall: Hanging with Hitchcock. In: Literature/Film Quarterly 32. 2004. No. 3. [July] pp. 237-239.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Mühlbeyer, Harald: Hauch des Bösen: Roman Polanskis Mysterythriller Die neun Pforten. In: EPD Film 24. 2007. No. 10. [October] p. 61.
Polanski, Roman
Ninth Gate, The / neuvieme porte, La / novena puerta, La (1999)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The

Mühlbeyer, Harald: Psychosenthriller: Der Bunker (Perspektive deutsches Kino) beeindruckt durch seinen absurden Humor. In: EPD Film 32. 2015. No. 4. [April] p. 22.
On a screening at the 2015 Berlinale.
Chryssos, Nikias
Bunker, Der (2015)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Humor ~ Humor
Deutschland ~ Germany
Berlin ~ Berlin

Mulder, A.: De "thrill" tussen twee culturen. In: Skrien 1992. No. 185. [August/September] pp. 12-15.
On the drug motif in psycho thriller.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Drogen ~ Drugs

Müller-Lobeck, Christiane: Der verbotene Schlüssel: Hoodoo im tiefsten Süden: Psychothriller mit Staraufgebot. In: EPD Film 22. 2005. No. 8. [August] p. 51.
On Iain Softley’s The Skeleton Key.
Softley, Iain
Skeleton Key, The (2005)
Religion: Voodoo ~ Religion: Voodoo
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Multeau, Norbert: Le "thriller" à la française. In: Le Spectacle du Monde / Réalités 1981. No. 235. [?D] pp. 130-136.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Frankreich ~ France

Nacache, Jacqueline: Un "Mystery Thriller" expressioniste: Entretien avec Steven Soderbergh. In: La Revue du Cinéma 1992. No. 481. [?D] pp. 32-34.
On Kafka.
Soderbergh, Steven
Kafka (1991)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Expressionismus ~ Expressionism

Nacht-Thriller. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 150-155.
Discusses, among others, Luc Besson’s Nikita, Fritz Lang’s The Woman in the Window and Jean-Pierre Melville’s Le Samouraï.
Besson, Luc
Lang, Fritz
Melville, Jean-Pierre
Nikita (1990)
Woman in the Window, The (1944)
Samouraï, Le (1967)
Nacht ~ Night
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Nagle-König, Andrea: Zum Schweigen der Lämmer: Philosophisch-ideengeschichtliche Analyse eines Thrillers. - Klagenfurt: Kärntner Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft 1993. (= Klagenfurter Beiträge zur bildungswissenschaftlichen Forschung 25.)
On Demme’s The Silence of the Lambs.
Demme, Jonathan
Silence of the Lambs, The (1990)
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
Thriller ~ Thriller

Nath, Ipshita / Pradhan, Anubhav: Nation and action: The case of the Bollywood spy thriller. In: James Bond and popular culture: Essays on the influence of the fictional superspy. Edited by Michele Brittany. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company 2014. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Bollywood ~ Bollywood
Action ~ Action
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond

Natta, Enzo: Una vita in giallo. In: Rivista del Cinematografo 62. 1992. Supplement. [December] p. XI.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Navarro, Antonio José: La tumultuosa década de los 70. In: Dirigido 2007. No. 364. [February] pp. 38-41.
On the 1970s American thriller
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Neale, Steve: Halloween: Suspense, aggression and the look. In: Framework ?G. 1981. No. 14. [?D] pp. 25-29.
On various formal and contentual aspects of the horror film.
Carpenter, John
Halloween (1978)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Gewalt ~ Violence

Neale, Steve: Halloween: Suspense, aggression and the look. In: Planks of reason: Essays on the horror film. Edited by Garry Keith Grant and Christopher Sharrett. Revised edition. - Lanham, Maryland; London: Scarecrow Press 2004. pp. 450 ff.
Carpenter, John
Halloween (1978)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Gewalt ~ Violence
Horror ~ Horror

Needham, Gary: Playing with genre: Defining the Italian giallo. In: The cult film reader. Edited by Ernest Mathijs and Xavier Mendik. - Maidenhead: Open University Press / New York: McGraw-Hill Education 2008. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Italien ~ Italy

Nelson, John S.: Politics in popular movies: Rhetorical takes on horror, war, thriller, and scifi films. - Boulder, Colorado: Paradigm Publishers 2014. (= Media and power.)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Politik ~ Politics
Krieg ~ War
Horror ~ Horror

Neubauer-petzoldt, Ruth: Der Serienmörder als Künstler und Kunstobjekt: Der (Anti-)Held zwischen Identifikation, Deutung und Dämonisierung in dem Thriller Red Dragon (2002). In: Dawn of an evil millennium: Horror/Kultur im neuen Jahrtausend. Hrsg. von Jörg van Bebber. - Darmstadt: Büchner-Verlag 2011. pp. 85 ff.
Ratner, Brett
Red Dragon (2002)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Mord ~ Murder
Kunst ~ Arts, The
Helden ~ Heros
Dämonen ~ Demons
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The
Horror ~ Horror

Newman, Kim: Psycho-thriller, qu’est-ce que c’est? In: British horror cinema. Edited by Steve Chibnall and Julian Petley. - London; New York: Routledge 2002. (= British Popular Cinema.) pp. 71-81.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Horror ~ Horror
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain

Nicolella, Henry / Soister, John T.: Down from the attic: Rare thrillers of the silent era through the 1950s. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company 2016.
Discusses, among others, George B. Seitz’s The Sky Ranger, Maurice Elvey’s High Treason, David Butler’s Just Imagine, Paul Leni’s The Man Who Laughs, H. Manning Haynes’s The Monkey’s Paw, Carl Lamac’s The Hound of the Baskervilles and Walter West’s Sweeney Todd.
Seitz, George B.
Elvey, Maurice
Butler, David
Leni, Paul
Haynes, H. Manning
Lamac, Carl
West, Walter
Sky Ranger, The (1921)
High Treason (1929)
Just Imagine (1930)
Man Who Laughs, The (1928)
Monkey’s Paw, The (1923)
Hound of the Baskervilles, The (1937)
Sweeney Todd (1928)
Stummfilm ~ Silent Film
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Horror ~ Horror

Niedzielski, Jens: Poetischer Thriller: 6ixtynin9. In: Splatting Image 2002. No. 49. [March] pp. 67-68.
Ratanaruang, Pen-Ek
Ruang talok 69 (1999)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Nixdorf, Thomas: Licence to thrill: James Bond Plakate, 1962-1997. - Hannover: PlakatKonzepte 1997.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond

Nobach, Marius: Das Penthouse - Gefangen in der Dunkelheit: Home-Invasion-Thriller. In: Film-Dienst 66. 2013. No. 25. [December 5] p. 48.
On a DVD edition.
Ruben, Joseph
Penthouse North (2013)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Krieg ~ War

Nobach, Marius: Sag nicht, wer du bist!: Ein fesselnder Psychothriller vom kanadischen "Wunderknaben" Xavier Dolan. In: Film-Dienst 67. 2014. No. 17. [August 14] pp. 36-37.
On Tom à la ferme.
Dolan, Xavier
Tom à la ferme (2014)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Kanada ~ Canada

Norden, Martin F.: Toward a theory of audience response to suspenseful films. In: Journal of the University Film Association 32. 1980. No. 1/2. [Winter/Spring] pp. 71-77.
Psychological analysis of the thriller genre.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Not with a bang, but with the Sex Pistols. In: Fantasy & Science Fiction 115. 2008. No. 2. [August] pp. 117-122.
On techniques of creating suspense in supernatural and horror film. Discusses, as examples, The Blair Witch Project, George Miller’s Mad Max II and John Carpenter’s Escape from New York.
Myrick, Daniel
Sanchez, Eduardo
Miller, George
Carpenter, John
Blair Witch Project, The (1999)
Mad Max II / Road Warrior, The (1981)
Escape from New York (1981)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Technik ~ Technology
Sex Pistols ~ Sex Pistols
Horror ~ Horror
Wunder ~ Miracles

Oakes, P.: Subversive thrillers. In: Listener 111. 1984. No. 2844. [February] p. 35.
On Dick Richards’s Farewell, My Lovely.
Richards, Dick
Farewell, My Lovely (1975)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Oetjen, Almut: Der psychotraumatische Thriller. In: Enzyklopädie des phantastischen Films. 37. Ergänzungslieferung. - Meitingen: Corian-Verlag, Oktober 1994.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Öhding, Britta-Karolin: Thriller der 90er Jahre: Über den Zusammenhang von Struktur, Spannung und Bedeutung an ausgewählten Spielfilmen. - Bardowick: Wissenschaftler-Verlag 1998. (= IfAM-Arbeitsberichte 15.)
Bohrmann, Thomas: [untitled] In: Medienwissenschaft 1999. No. 1. pp. 92-93.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Oliver, Mary Beth / Sanders, Meghan: The appeal of horror and suspense. In: The horror film. Edited and with an introduction by Stephen Prince. - New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press 2004. (= Rutgers depth of field.) pp. 242-259.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

One Generation of Tatoos (Irezumi ichidai). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 38.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Irezumi ichidai (1965)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Orth, Stefan: Dunkle Machenschaften? Dan Browns Illuminati im Kino. In: Herder-Korrespondenz 63. 2009. No. 6. [?D] pp. 281-285.
On Ron Howard’s Vatican thriller Angels & Demons.
Brown, Dan
Howard, Ron
Angels & Demons (2009)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Religion ~ Religion
Angels & Demons (Literatur ~ Literature)

Ortoli, Philippe: Les factionnaires du sombre: Jacques Tourneur et le film
noir. In: Cinémaction 2006. No. 120. [June] pp. 110-117.
On the techniques of creating suspense in Out of the Past and Nightfall.
Tourneur, Jacques
Out of the Past / Build My Gallows High (1947)
Nightfall (1957)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Film Noir ~ Film Noir

Die packensten Thriller und Krimis. Hrsg. von Dirk Jasper. - München: Rossipaul 1994.
CD-ROM edition with accompanying booklet.
Kriminalität ~ Crime
Thriller ~ Thriller

Packer, Sharon: Movies and the modern psyche. - Westport, Connecticut; London: Praeger 2007.
Includes, among others, chapters on dreams and hypnosis, madhouse and haunted houses, psychological thrillers and serial killers, films noir and Cold War paranoia, drugs and madness and on doubles and doppelgängers.
Allen, Woody
Wahnsinn ~ Madness
Traum ~ Dreams
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Mord ~ Murder
Krieg ~ War
Hypnose ~ Hypnosis
Film Noir ~ Film Noir
Drogen ~ Drugs
Doppelgänger ~ Double

Paletz, Gabriel M.: Orson Welles: An auteur of the thriller. In: New Review of Film and Television Studies 4. 2006. No. 3. [December] pp. 217-239.
Welles, Orson
Thriller ~ Thriller

Palmer, R. Barton: The Hitchcock romance and the 1970s paranoid thriller. In: After Hitchcock: Influence, imitation, and intertextuality. Edited by David Boyd and R. Barton Palmer. - Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press 2006. pp. 85-108.
Discusses, among others, Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest, Rear Window and Vertigo as well as Francis Ford Coppola’s The Conversation and Alan J. Pakula’s The Parallax View.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Coppola, Francis Ford
Pakula, Alan J.
North by Northwest (1959)
Rear Window (1954)
Vertigo (1958)
Conversation, The (1973)
Parallax View, The (1973)
Wahnsinn ~ Madness
Thriller ~ Thriller

Partners in suspense: Critical essays on Bernard Herrmann and Alfred Hitchcock. Edited by Steven Rawle and K. J. Donnelly. - Manchester: Manchester University Press 2017.
Sinyard, Neil: [untitled.] In: Sight and Sound NS 27. 2017. No. 4. [April] p. 108.
Herrmann, Bernard
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller
Musik ~ Music

Patterson, John: Thrilled to death. In: South China Morning Post [HK], January 14, 2010. p. C6.
Interview with director Richard Kelly on Donnie Darko and on his latest sci-fi thriller The Box.
Kelly, Richard
Donnie Darko (2001)
Box, The (2009)
Tod ~ Death
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction

Pede, Ronnie: 10e Festival International du Film fantastique de Science-fiction & Thriller de Bruxelles. In: Film en Televisie 1992. No. 420/421. [May/June] pp. 5-6.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Festival ~ Festival
Brüssel ~ Brussels

Penning, Lars: Die Universalität des Bösen: Nicht Horror, nicht Thriller: Der erste Psycho-Thriller. In: Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho. Mit Beiträgen von Frank Arnold [et al.]. Hrsg. von Frank Schnelle. - Stuttgart: Verlag Robert Fischer + Uwe Wiedleroither 1993. pp. 55-63.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Psycho (1960)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The
Horror ~ Horror

Penzler, Otto: 101 greatest films of mystery and suspense. - New York: Simon & Schuster 2000.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Pérez, Michel: Thriller à la Polanski. In: Roman Polanski: Interviews. Edited by Paul Cronin. - Jackson, Mississippi; London: University Press of Mississippi 2005. (= Conversations with filmmakers.) p. ?P.
Polanski, Roman
Thriller ~ Thriller

Persons, Mitch: Memento: Time flows backwards in Chris Nolan’s intriguing thriller. In: Cinefantastique 33. 2001. No. 1/2. [April] p. 119.
Discusses, among others, the work of actress Carrie-Anne Moss and of Joe Pantoliano.
Nolan, Christopher
Moss, Carrie-Anne
Pantoliano, Joe
Memento (2000)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Peyras, Patrice: Autopsie du giallo. In: Le cinéma fantastique. Réuni par Jean-Pierre Piton. (= Cinémaction 1995. No. 74. [?D]) pp. 48-60.
On Italian horror film, especially on Dario Argento.
Argento, Dario
Thriller ~ Thriller
Italien ~ Italy
Horror ~ Horror

Philippon, Alain: Un thriller futuriste. In: Cahiers du Cinéma 1982. No. 339. [September] p. 57.
On Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner.
Scott, Ridley
Blade Runner (1982)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Futurismus ~ Futurism

Phillips, W.: 007 rating - licence to thrill. In: Television (RTS) 29. 1992. No. 5. [?D] pp. 18-19.
On the history of the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond

Pinkerton, Nick: Thrill of the hunt. In: Sight and Sound NS 28. 2018. No. 9. [September] pp. 48-51.
On the Mission: Impossible film series. Discusses especially Christopher McQuarrie’s Mission: Impossible - Fallout.
McQuarrie, Christopher
Mission: Impossible (TV)
Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Jagd ~ Hunt

Piton, Jean-Pierre: Policiers, truands, detectives, agents secrets: Figures marquantes du cinema populaire. In: Cinémaction 2000. No. 95. [?D] pp.86-94.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Spione ~ Spys
Detektive ~ Detectives

Polit-Thriller. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 44-53.
Discusses, among others, John McTiernan’s The Hunt for Red October and James Bridges’s The China Syndrome.
McTiernan, John
Bridges, James
Hunt for Red October, The (1990)
China Syndrome, The (1978)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Potter, Nicole: Interview with Richard Einhorn. In: Films in Review 47. 1996. No. 3/4. [?D] pp. 31-33.
Interview with the composer who mainly works for thriller and horror films.
Einhorn, Richard
Thriller ~ Thriller
Musik ~ Music
Horror ~ Horror

Prager, Brad: The haunted screen (again): The historical unconscious of contemporary German thrillers. In: Victims and perpetrators: 1933-1945: (Re)presenting the past in post-unification culture. Edited by Laurel Cohen-Pfister and Dagmar Wienroeder-Skinner. - Berlin; New York: de Gruyter 2006. (= Interdisciplinary German cultural studies 2.) pp. 296-315.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Geschichte ~ History
Deutschland ~ Germany

Preston, Scott: The strange pleasure of The Leopard Man: Gender, genre and authorship in a Val Lewton thriller. In: Cineaction 2007. No. 71. [?D] pp. 14-21.
On the representation of male and female role stereotypes in Jacques Tourneur’s noir-horror-thriller based on Cornell Woolrich’s novel Black Alibi.
Woolrich, Cornell George
Tourneur, Jacques
Leopard Man, The (1943)
Mord ~ Murder
Thriller ~ Thriller
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Männer ~ Men
Horror ~ Horror
Frauen ~ Women
Film Noir ~ Film Noir
Black Alibi, The (Literatur ~ Literature)

Price, Michael H.: The Spider: weaving a web of suspense. In: Midnight Marquee NS 3. 2003. No. 1(69/70). [?D] pp. 38-45.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Probst, Chris: The cyberthriller comes of age: Virtuosity taps into the terrors of new technology. In: American Cinematographer 76. 1995. No. 10. [October] pp. 88-96.
Leonard, Brett
Virtuosity (1995)
Technik ~ Technology
Thriller ~ Thriller
Cyberspace ~ Cyberspace

Psycho-Thriller. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 10-29.
Discusses, among others, John Schlesinger’s Pacific Heights, Adrian Lyne’s Fatal Attraction, Brian De Palma’s Dressed to Kill, Carl Schenkel’s Abwärts, Hitchcock’s Psycho, Dennis Hopper’s Hot Spot, Polanski’s Repulsion, James Foley’s After Dark, My Sweet and Henri-Georges Clouzot’s Les Diaboliques.
Schlesinger, John
Lyne, Adrian
De Palma, Brian
Schenkel, Carl
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hopper, Dennis
Polanski, Roman
Foley, James
Clouzot, Henri-Georges
Pacific Heights (1990)
Fatal Attraction (1987)
Dressed to Kill (1980)
Abwärts (1984)
Psycho (1960)
Hot Spot, The (1990)
Repulsion (1965)
After Dark, My Sweet (1990)
diaboliques, Les (1954)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Rache-Thriller. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 128-135.
Discusses, among others, Walter Hill’s Johnny Handsome, Alan Rudolph’s Remember My Name and Truffaut’s La Mariée était en noir.
Hill, Walter
Rudolph, Alan
Truffaut, François
Johnny Handsome (1989)
Remember My Name (1978)
Mariée était en noir, La / sposa in nero, La (1967)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Rankin, Walter: Grimm pictures: Fairy tale archetypes in eight horror and suspense films. - Jefferson, North Carolina; London: McFarland & Co. 2007.
de Vos, Gail: [untitled.] In: Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 20. 2009. No. 1. [?D] pp. 121-125.
Discusses Roman Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby, John Carpenter’s Halloween, Sean S. Cunningham’s Friday the 13th, Jonathan Demme’s The Silence of the Lambs, Barbet Schroeder’s Single White Female, Wes Craven’s Scream, Anthony Minghella’s The Talented Mr. Ripley and Gore Verbinski’s The Ring.
Grimm [Jacob Ludwig Karl und Wilhelm Karl]
Polanski, Roman
Carpenter, John
Cunningham, Sean S.
Demme, Jonathan
Schroeder, Barbet
Craven, Wes
Minghella, Anthony
Verbinski, Gore
Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
Halloween (1978)
Friday the 13th (1979)
Silence of the Lambs, The (1990)
Single White Female (1992)
Scream (1996)
Talented Mr. Ripley, The (1999)
Ring, The (2002)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Märchen ~ Fairy Tales
Horror ~ Horror

Ranze, Michael: "Ich lande fast immer bei Thrillern": Joel Schumacher über Großstadt-Paranoia, kleine Budgets und seinen neuen Film Nicht auflegen!. In: EPD Film 20. 2003. No. 8. [August] pp. 35-36.
Schumacher, Joel
Phone Booth (2002)
Wahnsinn ~ Madness
Thriller ~ Thriller
Stadt ~ City

Ranze, Michael: Allein im Dunkeln: Ein Meister des handgemachten Spannungskinos: Jacques Tourneur. In: Film-Dienst 70. 2017. No. 15. [July 20] pp. 28-31.
Tourneur, Jacques
Thriller ~ Thriller

Ranze, Michael: Fluchtplan - Ohne jede Spur: Ein Thriller von Robert Schwentke. In: EPD Film 22. 2005. No. 11. [November] p. 45.
On Flightplan.
Schwentke, Robert
Flightplan (2005)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Ranze, Michael: Nord-Noir: Der Hypnotiseur: Lasse Halström adaptiert einen Thriller. In: Film-Dienst 66. 2013. No. 4. [February 14] p. 45.
On Lasse Hallström’s Hypnotisören.
Hallström, Lasse
Hypnotisören (2012)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Film Noir ~ Film Noir

Ranze, Michael: Schneemann: Thriller nach einem Roman von Jo Nesbø. In: Film-Dienst 70. 2017. No. 22. [October 26] p. 42.
Alfredson, Tomas
Nesbø, Jo
Snowman, The (2017)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Ranze, Michael: Unsichtbar - Zwischen den Welten: Mysterythriller von Blade-Autor David S. Goyer. In: EPD Film 24. 2007. No. 6. [June] pp. 48-49.
On David S. Goyer’s The Invisible.
Goyer, David S.
Norrington, Stephen
Invisible, The (2007)
Blade (1998)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Raum-Deinzer, Uwe: Ghost in the Shell: Mit einem Cyberspace-Thriller starten die MANGAS endlich in unseren Kinos. In: Moviestar 5. 1997. No. 10(33). [October] pp. 44-45.
Oshii Mamoru
Kôkaku kidôtai (1995)
Animation: Comics ~ Animation: Comics
Thriller ~ Thriller
Cyberspace ~ Cyberspace

Raum-Deinzer, Uwe: Island of Darkness: Europäischer Thriller der Sonderklasse. In: Moviestar 6. 1998. No. 10(45). [?D] p. 60.
On Trygve Allister Diesen’s Mørkety y / Island of Darkness.
Diesen, Trygve Allister
Mørkety y / Island of Darkness (1997)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Europa ~ Europe

Raum-Deinzer, Uwe: Pinocchio: Phantasievoller Thriller. In: Moviestar 5. 1997. No. 24. [January] p. 76.
Tenney, Kevin S.
Pinocchio (1996)
Phantasie ~ Fantasy
Thriller ~ Thriller

Rausa, Giuseppe: Il giallo e bello se e postmoderno. In: Segnocinema ?G. 1984. No. 14. [September] pp. 74-75.
On the Myfest Cattolica 1984.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Postmoderne ~ Postmodern
International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest) ~ International Mystery Film Festival Cattolica (Myfest)
Festival ~ Festival

Rayns, Tony: Deep cover. In: Sight and Sound NS 14. 2004. No. 1. [January] pp. 26-29.
On recent Hong Kong thrillers.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Hongkong ~ Hong Kong

Rayns, Tony: Serial thriller. In: Sight and Sound NS 10. 2000. No. 11. [November] p. 5.
On DVD editions of Louis Feuillade’s serials Fantômas and Les Vampires.
Feuillade, Louis
Fantômas (1913)
Vampires, Les (1915-1916)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Rayns, Tony: The Kyoka factor: The delights od Suzuki Seijun. In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. pp. 4-9.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Thriller ~ Thriller

Rea, Luca: I colori del buio: Il cinema thrilling itialiano dal 1930 al 1979. - Firenze: Molino 1999.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Italien ~ Italy

Ricci, Andrea: The "awful mess" of noir in Italian cinema between the modern and the postmodern era. - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University, Ph.D. 2002. [Abstract in: Dissertation Abstracts International A 63. 2003. No. 12. (June) p. 4129.]
Discusses especially the giallo and the noir genre.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Postmoderne ~ Postmodern
Italien ~ Italy
Film Noir ~ Film Noir

Riepe, Manfred: Der Exorzismus von Emily Rose: Exorzismus-Thriller nach einem authentischen Fall. In: EPD Film 22. 2005. No. 12. [December] p. 31.
On Scott Derrickson’s The Exorcism of Emily Rose.
Derrickson, Scott
Exorcism of Emily Rose, The (2005)
Religion: Exorzismus ~ Religion: Exorcism
Thriller ~ Thriller
Religion ~ Religion

Riepe, Manfred: Slither - Voll auf den Schleim gegangen: Fett- und cholesterinhaltig: Ein Glibber-Thriller von James Gunn. In: EPD Film 23. 2006. No. 5. [May] pp. 42-43.
Gunn, James
Slither (2006)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Ritter, Werner H.: Mythos mit Thrill: Das Kino nimmt sich religiöser Erlösungs-Motive an. In: Zeitzeichen 2. 2001. No. 1. [?D] pp. 53-55.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Mythologie ~ Mythology
Religion ~ Religion

Roevekamp, Melanie: Psycho-Thriller im Vergleich: Ästhetik, Promotion und Publikumsreaktionen US-amerikanischer und europäischer Produktionen. - Erlangen: Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institut für Theater- und Medienwissenschaft, Magisterarbeit ?J (1996/1997)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Europa ~ Europe

Roger, Philippe: Du suspence au suspens. In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 142-145.
Theoretical thoughts on the suspense thriller.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Rogers, Philippe: Du suspense au suspens. In: Cinémaction 1994. No. 2(71). [?D] pp. 142-148.
Tourneur, Jacques
Thriller ~ Thriller

Römers, Holger: Das erste Mal: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit: Clever konzipierter Spionage-Thriller. In: Film-Dienst 67. 2014. No. 5. [February 27] p. 42.
Branagh, Kenneth
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Spione ~ Spys

Roschy, Birgit: Geht eine Blondine zum Psychiater ... Die 10 gröbsten Klischees des Erotikthrillers. In: EPD Film 30. 2013. No. 5. [Mai] pp. 8-9.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Roschy, Birgit: Gothika: Ein amerikanischer Horrorthriller von Mathieu Kassovitz. In: EPD Film 21. 2004. No. 3. [March] pp. 50-51.
Kassovitz, Mathieu
Oliphant, Thom
Gothika (2003)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Ross, Philippe: Mais qui a tué Alfred? In: La Revue du Cinéma 1987. No. 427. [May] pp. 6-7.
On Hitchcock’s importance for the development of modern thriller.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Rothman, William: Hitchcock: Ten mysteries from the master of suspense. In: American Film 9. 1983. No. 1. [October] pp. 81-86.
On video editions of Hitchcock films.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Video ~ Video
Thriller ~ Thriller

Rubin, Martin: Thrillers. - Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press 1999. (= Genres in American cinema.)
Poger, Sidney: [untitled.] In: Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 11. 2001. No. 4. [?D] pp. 465-467.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Rubin, Martin: Thrillers. - New York; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1999. (= Genres in American Cinema.)
Morsch, Thomas: [untitled] In: Medienwissenschaft 2000. No. 1. pp. 93-94.
Shaiman, Mark: [untitled] In: Film Quarterly 54. 2000. No. 1. [Fall] pp. 61-62.
Discusses, among others, the films of Alfred Hitchcock, especially The Man Who Knew To Much, and Wes Cravens Scream.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Craven, Wes
Man Who Knew Too Much, The (1956)
Scream (1996)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Russell, Dennis: Beyond cheap thrills: Dark visions of slasher / gore film fans. In: Popular Culture Review 8. 1997. No. 1. [February] pp. 59-74.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Russo, John: Scare tactics: The art, craft, and trade secrets of writing, producing, and directing chillers and thrillers. - New York: Dell Publishing 1992.
Horror ~ Horror
Thriller ~ Thriller

Safarow, Sven: Suspense und Isolation: Die Filme von Fred Walton. In: Splatting Image 2011. No. 88. [December] pp. 14-18.
Includes an interview with the director.
Walton, Fred
Thriller ~ Thriller

San Francisco thrillers: True crimes and dark mysteries from the city by the Bay. Edited by John Miller and Tim Smith. - San Francisco, California: Chronicle Books 1995.
Discusses, among others, Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Vertigo (1958)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Stadt ~ City
San Francisco ~ San Francisco
Kriminalität ~ Crime

Sanders, Joe: Edge of Darkness as transhuman thriller. In: Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 5. 1993. No. 4. [?D] pp. 83-91.
Milestone, Lewis
Edge of Darkness (1943)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Sani, Andrea: Rispettare le regole del genere. In: Quaderni di Cinema 7. 1987. No. ?N. [March/April] pp. 3-11.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Sanjek, David: Foreign detection: The West German krimi and the Italian giallo. In: Spectator 14. 1994. No. 2. [?D] pp. 82-95.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Kriminalität ~ Crime
Italien ~ Italy
Deutschland ~ Germany

Sargent, Joseph: Die Nacht, als die Marsmenschen Amerika angriffen / The Night that Panicked America. Transcript von Werner Faulstich. - Tübingen: Narr 1982. (= Medienbibliothek Serie A: Texte 10.)
On the film telling the story of Orson Welles’s legendary radio show that thrilled America.
Sargent, Joseph
Welles, Orson
Night that Panicked America, The (1975)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller
War of the Worlds, The (Hörspiel ~ Radio Play)

Schäfer, Horst / Schwarzer, Wolfgang: Das "unorganisierte" Verbrechen: Frankreich - Politische Bezüge im Kriminalfilm. In: Schäfer, Horst / Schwarzer, Wolfgang: Von Che bis Z: Politthriller im Kino. - Frankfurt/Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 1991. (= Fischer Cinema 4469.) pp. 52-104.
Discusses, among others, Fred Zinnemann’s The Day of the Jackal, Godard’s Alphaville, Yves Boisset’s El Conde / L’uomo venuto da Chicago and Alain Jessua’s Les Chiens.
Zinnemann, Fred
Godard, Jean-Luc
Boisset, Yves
Jessua, Alain
Day of the Jackal, The (1972)
Alphaville: Une étrange aventure de Lemmy Caution (1965)
Conde, El / uomo venuto da Chicago, L’ (1970)
Chiens, Les (1979)
Kriminalität ~ Crime
Thriller ~ Thriller
Politik ~ Politics
Frankreich ~ France

Schäfer, Horst / Schwarzer, Wolfgang: Spotlight 1: The Hitler Gang - Vorläufer des Polit-Thrillers in Hollywoods Anti-Nazi-Filmen. In: Schäfer, Horst / Schwarzer, Wolfgang: Von Che bis Z: Politthriller im Kino. - Frankfurt/Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 1991. (= Fischer Cinema 4469.) pp. 46-51.
Discusses, among others, Hitchcock’s Saboteur and Foreign Correspondent as well as Fritz Lang’s Ministry of Fear and Man Hunt.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Lang, Fritz
Hitler, Adolf
Saboteur (1942)
Foreign Correspondent (1940)
Ministry of Fear (1944)
Man Hunt (1941)
Faschismus ~ Fascism
Thriller ~ Thriller
Hollywood ~ Hollywood

Schäfer, Horst / Schwarzer, Wolfgang: Vietnamkrieg und Vietnamfilme: Teufelskerle in Fernost. In: Schäfer, Horst / Schwarzer, Wolfgang: Von Che bis Z: Politthriller im Kino. - Frankfurt/Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 1991. (= Fischer Cinema 4469.) pp. 140-288.
Discusses, among others, Coppola’s Apocalypse Now.
Coppola, Francis Ford
Apocalypse Now (1976-1979)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Vietnam ~ Vietnam
Krieg ~ War

Schäfer, Horst / Schwarzer, Wolfgang: Von Che bis Z: Politthriller im Kino. - Frankfurt/Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 1991. (= Fischer Cinema 4469.)
Buhrdorf, Uwe: Politik und Kino. In: Film & Fakten 1991 No. 15. [July] p. 22.
[Untitled] In: Film-Dienst 44. 1991. No. 12. [June 11] p. 36.
Weinicke, Roland: Medieninhalte: Politthriller. In: Medien und Erziehung 37. 1993. No. 1. [?D] pp. 47-48.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Scheinpflug, Peter: Emilia will Virginia morden: Böse Mädchen im italienischen Krimi-Zyklus Giallo. In: Rebellisch - verzweifelt - infam: Das böse Mädchen als ästhetische Figur. Hrsg. von Renate Möhrmann. - Bielefeld: Aisthesis-Verlag 2012. pp. 389 ff.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Mord ~ Murder
Kriminalität ~ Crime
Italien ~ Italy
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The
Frauen ~ Women

Scheinpflug, Peter: Formelkino: Medienwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Genre-Theorie und den Giallo. - Bielefeld: Transcript 2014.
Horror ~ Horror
Thriller ~ Thriller
Kriminalität ~ Crime

Scheinpflug, Peter: Formelkino: Medienwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Genre-Theorie und den Giallo. - Köln: Universität Köln, Dissertation 2013.
Horror ~ Horror
Thriller ~ Thriller
Kriminalität ~ Crime

Schifferle, Hans: Die Vergessenen: Julianne Moore in einem Mysterythriller von Joseph Ruben. In: EPD Film 21. 2004. No. 11. [November] p. 35.
On The Forgotten.
Ruben, Joseph
Moore, Julianne
Forgotten, The (2004)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Schifferle, Hans: Hostage - Entführt: Kompromissloser Thriller von Florent Siri mit Bruce Willis. In: EPD Film 22. 2005. No. 3. [March] p. 45.
Siri, Florent
Willis, Bruce
Hostage (2005)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Schifferle, Hans: Hostel: Von Quentin Tarantino produziert: Eli Roths Horror-Thriller. In: EPD Film 23. 2006. No. 5. [May] pp. 36-37.
Roth, Eli
Tarantino, Quentin
Hostel (2005)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Schifferle, Hans: Identität: Ein Thriller von James Mangold. In: EPD Film 20. 2003. No. 10. [October] p. 34.
On Identity.
Mangold, James
Identity (2003)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Schifferle, Hans: Motel: Düsterer Thriller mit Kate Beckinsale und Luke Wilson. In: EPD Film 24. 2007. No. 8. [August] p. 46.
On Nimród Antal’s Vacancy.
Antal, Nimród
Beckinsale, Kate
Wilson, Luke
Vacancy (2007)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Schifferle, Hans: Mr. Brooks - Der Mörder in Dir: Thriller mit Kevin Costner, William Hurt und Demi Moore. In: EPD Film 24. 2007. No. 12. [December] p. 39.
Evans, Bruce A.
Costner, Kevin
Hurt, William
Moore, Demi
Mr. Brooks (2007)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Schneider, Iris: Aufmerksamkeitserregende Merkmale in Spielfilmen: Eine Inhaltsanalyse des Verlaufs formaler, dramaturgischer und inhaltlicher Elemente. - Regensburg: Roderer 2007. (= Medienforschung 15.)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Schneider, Iris: Aufmerksamkeitserregende Merkmale in Spielfilmen: Eine Inhaltsanalyse des Verlaufs formaler, dramaturgischer und inhaltlicher Elemente. - Regensburg: Universität Regensburg, Dissertation 2006.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Schneider, Karen: With violence if necessary: Rearticulating the family in the contemporary action-thriller. In: Journal of Popular Film and Television 27. 1999. No. 1. [Spring] pp. 2-11.
Discusses, among others, Roger Donaldson’s Dante’s Peak, Mick Jackson’s Volcano, Steven Spielberg’s The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Roland Emmerich’s Independence Day, John Woo’s Face/Off and Renny Harlin’s The Long Kiss Goodbye.
Donaldson, Roger
Jackson, Mick
Spielberg, Steven
Emmerich, Roland
Wu Su-Yum [Pseudonym: Woo, John]
Harlin, Renny
Dante’s Peak (1996)
Volcano (1997)
Lost World, The: Jurassic Park (1997)
Independence Day (1996)
Face/Off (1997)
Long Kiss Goodnight, The (1996)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Gewalt ~ Violence
Familie ~ Family
Action ~ Action

Schneider, Steven Jay / Sweeney, Levin W.: Genre bending and fender bonding: Masculinity and repression in Dutch "thriller" cinema. In: Horror international. Edited by Steven Jay Schneider and Tony Williams. - Detroit, Michigan: Wayne State University Press 2005. (= Contemporary approaches to film and television.) p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Niederlande ~ Netherlands
Männer ~ Men
Horror ~ Horror

Schnelle, Frank: Schöne kühle Welt: Über Michael Mann und seinen neuen Thriller Heat. In: EPD Film 13. 1996. No. 3. [March] pp. 22-29.
Includes a filmography.
Mann, Michael
Heat (1995)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Schnelle, Frank: Suspense Schock Terror: John Carpenter und seine Filme. - Stuttgart: Verlag Robert Fischer + Uwe Wiedleroither 1991.
Beer, Josef: [untitled] In: Science Fiction Media 9. 1992. No. 99. [?D] pp. 20-21.
Horst, Sabine: John Carpenter und seine Filme. In: EPD Film 9. 1992. No. 1. [January] p. 12.
Kruppa, Stefan: [untitled] In: Medienwissenschaft 1992. No. 3. pp. 321-322.
Möller, Olaf: [untitled] In: Film-Dienst 45. 1992. No. 3. [February 4] p. 36.
Carpenter, John
Thriller ~ Thriller
Angst ~ Fear

Schnelle, Josef: Bullig und brutal: Krimi-Autor Mickey Spillane. In: Film-Dienst 44. 1991. No. 19. [September 17] pp. 10-11.
On the filmings of Spillane thrillers in the tradition of the "film noir". Discusses especially Robert Aldrich’s Kiss Me Deadly and Roy Rowland’s The Girl Hunters.
Spillane, Frank Morrison [Pseudonym: Spillane, Mickey]
Aldrich, Robert
Rowland, Roy
Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
Girl Hunters, The (1963)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Gewalt ~ Violence
Kriminalität ~ Crime
Film Noir ~ Film Noir

Schubart, Rikke: The thrill of the Nordic kill: The manhunt movie in the Nordic thriller. In: Nordic genre film: Small nation film cultures in the global marketplace. Edited by Tommy Gustafsson and Pietari Kääpä. - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2015. (= Traditions in world cinema.) p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Jagd ~ Hunt
Skandinavien ~ Scandinavia

Schweizerhof, Barbara: Birth: Nicole Kidman als trauernde Witwe in einem Mystery-Thriller. In: EPD Film 21. 2004. No. 12. [December] p. 40.
Glazer, Jonathan
Kidman, Nicole
Birth (2004)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Science Fiction-Thriller. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 102-109.
Discusses, among others, Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner and Steven Lisberger’s Tron.
Scott, Ridley
Lisberger, Steven
Blade Runner (1982)
Tron (1982)
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Sebastiani, Massimo / Sesti, Mario: Delitto per pelitto: 500 film polizieschi, detective story, gangsterfilm, noir, thriller, spy story. Con la collaborazione di Dario Buzzolan. - Torino: Lindau 1998. (= Dizionari 1.)
Kriminalität ~ Crime
Thriller ~ Thriller
Film Noir ~ Film Noir
Detektive ~ Detectives

Seeßlen, Georg: Filmwissen: Thriller. Erweiterte Neuauflage. - Marburg: Schüren 2013. (= Grundlagen des populären Films.)
Stiglegger, Marcus: [untitled.] In: Medienwissenschaft 2014. No. 2/3. pp. 269-271.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Seeßlen, Georg: Kino der Angst: Geschichte und Mythologie des Film-Thrillers. - Reinbek: Rowohlt 1980. (= Grundlagen des populären Films 5; rororo 7350.)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Mythologie ~ Mythology
Angst ~ Fear

Seeßlen, Georg: Thriller: Kino der Angst. - Marburg: Schüren Presseverlag 1995. (= Grundlagen des populären Films.)
Hammerschmidt, Thomas: Standardwerk. In: Medien Praktisch 20. 1996. No. 3(79). [?D] p. 71.
Otto, Beate: [untitled] In: Medienwissenschaft 1997. No. 2. pp. 215-216.
Vollberg, Susanne: Die Lust an der Angst. In: Medien und Erziehung 40. 1996. No. 6. [?D] p. 380.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Angst ~ Fear

Seidl, Claudius: Die Doppelgangster: Al Pacino gegen Robert De Niro - Michael Manns Thriller Heat. In: Der Spiegel 50. 1996. No. 9. [February 26] pp. 214-216.
Mann, Michael
Pacino, Al
De Niro, Robert
Heat (1995)
Kriminalität ~ Crime
Thriller ~ Thriller
Angst ~ Fear

Seitz, Alexandra: Ein Juwel, abgestaubt: Der einfallsreiche Psychothriller Laurin. In: EPD Film 35. 2018. No. 2. [February] p. 39.
On a DVD edition.
Sigl, Robert
Laurin (1989)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Selavy, Virginie: In the shriek zone. In: Sight and Sound NS 27. 2017. No. 12. [December] p. 85.
On a DVD edition with giallo films by Sergio Martino.
Martino, Sergio
Thriller ~ Thriller

Selbo, Jule: Film genre for the screenwriter. - New York: Routledge 2014.
Includes, among others, chapters on the horror, science fiction, fantasy and action film as well as on thrillers and disaster movies.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Katastrophen ~ Disasters
Horror ~ Horror
Fantasy ~ Fantasy
Action ~ Action

Senatore, Ignazio: Psycho-cult: Psicodizionario del cinema di genere. Presentazione di Marco Giusti. - Torino: Centro scientifico 2006.
On psycho thrillers and horror films.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Horror ~ Horror

Serceau, Michel: Hitchcock, maître du suspense? In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 55-61.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Serceau, Michel: Projection et surface de l’écran: Entre le miroir et le divan. In: Cinéma et psychoanalyse. Reuni par Alain Dhote. (= Cinémaction 1989. No. 50. [January]) pp. 68-73.
On hero characters in thriller, especially in the films of Alfred Hitchcock.
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller
Helden ~ Heros

Sharpe, Ada: The case of the wandering uterus: Coma, the medical thriller, and the woman doctor-detective. In: Literature/Film Quarterly 41. 2013. No. 3. [?D] p. 220-238.
Crichton, Michael
Coma (1978)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Krankheit ~ Illness
Frauen ~ Women
Detektive ~ Detectives

Shikoda, S.: Adaption, auterism, intertextuality: François Truffaut’s crime thriller adaptions. - Nottingham: University of Nottingham, Ph.D. 2003.
Truffaut, François
Thriller ~ Thriller
Kriminalität ~ Crime

Singer, Michael: Final Analysis: Freudian suspense, shot with style. In: American Cinematographer 73. 1992. No. 3. [March] pp. 44-50.
On the film by Phil Joanou starring Kim Basinger.
Joanou, Phil
Final Analysis (1992)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Skerry, Philip J.: The shower scene in Hitchcock’s Psycho: Creating cinematic suspense and terror. - Lewiston, New York; Lampeter: Mellen Press 2005. (= Studies in the history and criticism of film 11.)
Hitchcock, Alfred
Psycho (1960)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Slagman, Tim: Die dunkle Seite des Mondes: Thriller nach Martin Suter. In: Film-Dienst 69. 2016. No. 1. [January 7] p. 46.
Rick, Stephan
Suter, Martin
dunkle Seite des Mondes, Die (2015)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Slagman, Tim: Erlösung: "Nordic noir"-Thriller. In: Film-Dienst 69. 2016. No. 12. [June 9] p. 40.
Moland, Hans Petter
Flaskepost fra P (2016)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Film Noir ~ Film Noir

Slagman, Tim: Girl on the Train: Verschachtelter Thriller mit Emily Blunt. In: Film-Dienst 69. 2016. No. 22. [October 27] p. 46.
Taylor, Tate
Girl on the Train (2016)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Slagman, Tim: Non-Stop: Thrills über den Wolken. In: Film-Dienst 67. 2014. No. 6. [March 13] pp. 40-41.
Collet-Serra, Jaume
Non-Stop (2014)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Slagman, Tim: Schändung: Schrill-brutaler Skandinavien-Thriller. In: Film-Dienst 68. 2015. No. 1. [January 8] p. 48.
On Mikkel Nørgaard’s Fasandræberne.
Nørgaard, Mikkel
Fasandræberne (2014)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Skandinavien ~ Scandinavia
Gewalt ~ Violence

Slagman, Tim: The Forest: Horrorthriller um verlorene Seelen im Aokigahara-Wald. In: Film-Dienst 69. 2016. No. 3. [February 4] p. 42.
Zada, Jason
Forest, The (2016)
Wald ~ Wood
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Smith, Imogen Sara: The fugitive kind. In: Sight and Sound NS 25. 2015. No. 5. [May] pp. 24-26.
On Robert Siodmak’s classic noir thriller Cry of the City.
Siodmak, Robert
Cry of the City (1948)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Film Noir ~ Film Noir

Smith, Murray: Engaging characters: Fiction, emotion, and the cinema. - Oxford: Clarendon Press 1995.
In the emotional affects of film, especially thriller, horror film and melodrama.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Smith, Susan: Hitchcock: Suspense, humour and tone. - London: British Film Institute 2000.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Snelson, Tim: From grade B thrillers to deluxe chillers: Prestige horror, female audiences, and allegories of spectatorship in The Spiral Staircase (1946). In: New Review of Film and Television Studies 7. 2009. No. 2. [June] pp. 173-188.
Siodmak, Robert
Spiral Staircase, The (1945)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Frauen ~ Women

Soare, Monica: Return of the female gothic: The career-woman-in-peril thriller. In: Situating the feminist gaze and spectatorship in postwar cinema. Edited by Marcelline Block. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2008. pp. 88-119.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Frauen ~ Women

Soister, John T.: Up from the vault: Rare thrillers of the 1920s and 1930s. - Jefferson, North Carolina; London: McFarland 2004.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Soullard, Catherine: Un thriller conjugal. In: La Revue des Deux Mondes 2005. No. 7/8. [July/August] pp. 171-175.
On Dominik Moll’s Lemming.
Moll, Dominik
Lemming (2005)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Spies and sleuths: Mystery, spy, and suspense films on videocassette. Edited by James J. Mulay, Daniel Curran and Jeffrey H. Wallenfeldt. - Evanston: CineBooks 1988. (= CineBooks Home Library 1.)
Nangle, John: [untitled] In: Films in Review 40. 1989. No. ?N. [February] p. 121.
Video ~ Video
Thriller ~ Thriller

Stampf, Olaf: Kälteschock im Treibhaus. In: Der Spiegel 58. 2004. No. 22. [May 24] pp. 144-146.
On climatic disaster and the real backgrounds for Roland Emmerich’s ecological SF thriller The Day After Tomorrow.
Emmerich, Roland
Day After Tomorrow, The (2004)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Natur ~ Nature
Wissenschaft ~ Science
Katastrophen ~ Disasters

Stasukevich, Iain: Vicarious thrills. In: American Cinematographer 90. 2009. No. 10. [October] pp. 66-75.
On Oliver Wood’s camera work for Jonathan Mostow’s Surrogares.
Mostow, Jonathan
Wood, Oliver
Surrogates (2009)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Technik: Kamera ~ Technology: Camera

Sterneborg, Anke: Der Mars im Studio: Der spannende Sci-Fi-Thriller Unternehmen Capricorn im Steelbook. In: EPD Film 34. 2017. No. 10. [Oktober] p. 38.
On a DVD edition of Peter Hyams’s Capricorn One.
Hyams, Peter
Capricorn One (1978)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction

Sterneborg, Anke: Fata Morgana: Zwei auf Abwegen: Ein Wüstenthriller von Simon Groß. In: EPD Film 24. 2007. No. 8. [August] pp. 44-45.
Groß, Simon
Fata Morgana (2007)
Wüste ~ Desert
Thriller ~ Thriller

Sterneborg, Anke: Madrid sehen und sterben Das dunkle Herz des neuen spanischen Films. In: EPD Film 30. 2013. No. 7. [July] pp. 22-27.
Tod ~ Death
Spanien ~ Spain
Madrid ~ Madrid
Thriller ~ Thriller

Stiegler, Christina: Die Bombe unter dem Tisch: Suspense bei Alfred Hitchcock - oder: wie viel weiß das Publikum wirklich? - Konstanz: UVK-Verlagsgesellschaft 2011. (= Filmwissenschaft.)
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Stiegler, Christina: Die Bombe unter dem Tisch: Suspense bei Alfred Hitchcock - oder: wie viel weiß das Publikum wirklich? - Erlangen: Universität Nürnberg/Erlangen, Dissertation 2011.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Stigleger, Marcus: Fürst der Finsternis. In: EPD Film 25. 2008. No. 1. [January] pp. 22-25.
On murder and the reprecentation of violence and the evil in contemporary horror film and thriller.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Mord ~ Murder
Horror ~ Horror
Gewalt ~ Violence
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The

Stiglegger, Marcus: Der dunkle Souverän: Zur Faszination des allmächtigen Serial Killers im zeitgenössischen Thriller und Horrorfilm. In: Killer/Culture - Serienmord in der populären Kultur. Hrsg. von Stefan Höltgen und Michael Wetzel. - Berlin: Bertz+Fischer 2010. (= Medien/Kultur 1.) pp. 61 ff.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Mord ~ Murder

Stiglegger, Marcus: Der Superfantasyliebesthriller. In: EPD Film 35. 2018. No. 11. [November] pp. 26-31.
On the history of the genre film.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Fantasy ~ Fantasy
B-Filme ~ B Films

Stiglegger, Marcus: Die "Störkanal"-Edition. In: Film-Dienst 63. 2010. No. 26. [December 23] pp. 56-57.
On a DVD edition containing unusual films including horror, thriller and experimental movies.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror
Experimentalfilme ~ Experimental Films

Stiglegger, Marcus: In den Farben der Nacht: Mario Bavas Stil zwischen Gothic-Horror und Giallo-Thriller. In: Splatting Image 2007. No. 70. [June] pp. 5-11.
Bava, Mario
Thriller ~ Thriller
Nacht ~ Night
Horror ~ Horror

Stiglegger, Marcus: Requiems for abandoned souls: The new wave of Spanish mystery thrillers. In: Film out of bounds: Essays and interviews on non-mainstream cinema worldwide. Edited by Matthew Edwards. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland 2007. p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Spanien ~ Spain

Stiglegger, Marcus: Whatever Happened to Bette Davis? Die zweite Karriere der Hollywood-Diven im Psychothriller der 1960er Jahre. In: Splatting Image 2011. No. 88. [December] pp. 25-28.
Davis, Bette
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Hollywood ~ Hollywood

Story of a Prostitute (Shunpuden). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 37.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Shunpuden (1965)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Strasser, Tilman: Die Frau ohne Vergangenheit: Erst das Trauma, dann die Amnesie: Rowan Joffes Thriller Ich.Darf.Nicht.Schlafen. mit Nicole Kidman. In: Der Tagesspiegel [Berlin], November 13, 2014. p. 23.
Joffe, Rowan
Kidman, Nicole
Before I Go to Sleep (2014)
Traum ~ Dreams
Thriller ~ Thriller
Frauen ~ Women

Street, Rita: Dante’s Inferno. In: Cinefex 1997. No. 69. [March] pp. 60-77.
On the special effects by Digital Domain and on the work of Patrick McClung and Roy Arbogast for Joe Dante’s volcano thriller Dante’s Peak.
Donaldson, Roger
McClung, Patrick
Arbogast, Roy
Dante’s Peak (1996)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Vulkane ~ Volcanos
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
Digital Domain [Firma] ~ Digital Domain [Company]

Suchsland, Rüdiger: Personal Shopper: Raffinierter Psychothriller als Generationenporträt. In: Film-Dienst 70. 2017. No. 2. [January 19] p. 47.
Assayas, Olivier
Personal Shopper (2016)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Suchsland, Rüdiger: Pirouetten am Rande des Nichts: Passion: Ein abgründiger Psychothriller voll heißkalter Emotionen von Brian de Palma. In: Film-Dienst 66. 2013. No. 9. [April 25] p. 36.
De Palma, Brian
Passion (2012)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D])
Thriller ~ Thriller

Suspense: Conceptualizations, theoretical analyses, and empirical explorations. Edited by Hans Jürgen Wulff, Peter Vorderer and Mike Friedrichsen. - Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass. 1996. (= Communication.)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Suspense: Conceptualizations, theoretical analyses, and empirical explorations. Edited by Peter Vorderer, Hans J. Wulff and Mike Friedrichsen. - Mahwah, New Jersey: Erlbaum 1996. (= LEA’s communication series.)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Suzuki, Seijun: Suzuki on Suzuki. In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. pp. 24-29.
The director on his films.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Thriller ~ Thriller

Svehla, Gary J.: The horror of suspense: Robert Mitchum’s cinema of evil: Cape Fear and Night of the Hunter. In: Midnight Marquee 1994. No. 46. [Winter] pp. 61-73.
On Mitchum’s roles in the films by J. Lee Thompson and Charles Laughton.
Thompson, J. Lee
Laughton, Charles
Mitchum, Robert
Cape Fear (1962)
Night of the Hunter, The (1955)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The
Horror ~ Horror

Tashiro, Charles Shiro: XIIIeme Festival International du Film Fantastique, de Science-Fiction & Thriller de Bruxelles. In: Le Moniteur du Film en Belgique ?G. 1995. No. 128. [February] p. 32.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Festival ~ Festival
Brüssel ~ Brussels

Tate, Anthony / Turner, George: The inner sanctum movies. In: American Cinematographer 67. 1986. No. 12. [December] pp. 34-40.
On American mystery thrillers of the 1940s. Discusses Reginald Le Borg’s Calling Mr. Death, Weird Woman and Dead Man’s Eyes as well as Harold Young’s The Frozen Ghost, John Hoffman’s Strange Confession and Wallace Fox’s Pillow of Death.
Le Borg, Reginald
Young, Harold
Hoffman, John
Fox, Wallace
Calling Mr. Death (1943)
Weird Woman (1944)
Dead Man’s Eyes (1944)
Frozen Ghost, The (1945)
Strange Confession (1945)
Pillow of Death (1945)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Taylor, Ella: Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs and the thrill of excess. In: Quentin Tarantino: Interviews. Edited by Gerald Peary. - Jackson, Mississippi: University Press of Mississippi 1998. (= Conversations with Filmmakers.) pp. 41 ff.
Tarantino, Quentin
Reservoir Dogs (1991)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Tchernia, Pierre: 80 grand films de suspense. Avec la collaboration de Jean-Claude Romer. - Paris: Casterman 1990.
Includes a bibliography.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Teichmann, Julia: Dorf der verlorenen Jugend: Beklemmender Mystery-Thriller. In: Film-Dienst 68. 2015. No. 25. [December 10] p. 46.
On Jeppe Rønde’s Bridgend.
Rønde, Jeppe
Bridgend (2015)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Thompson, Kaelie: The suspense thriller’s Pygmalion complex: Masculine desire in Vertigo (1958), Les Biches (1968), and Body Double (1984). In: Classical myth on screen. Edited by Monica S. Cyrino and Meredith E. Safran. - New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2015. p. ?P.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Chabrol, Claude
De Palma, Brian
Vertigo (1958)
Biches, Les (1968)
Body Double (1984)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Männer ~ Men
Mythologie ~ Mythology

Thonen, John: Battlestar Galactica: The Second Coming: Before Bryan Singer’s relaunch was greenlighted, Richard Hatch’s pilot trailer was thrilling fans. In: Cinefantastique 33. 2001. No. 1/2. [April] pp. 16-17.
Hatch, Richard
Woelfel, Jay
Singer, Bryan
Battlestar Galactica: The Second Coming (1999)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Thonen, John: Drive: Hong Kong-style science-fiction thriller. In: Cinefantastique 30. 1998. No. 2. [June] p. 6.
Wang, Steve
Drive (1996)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Hongkong ~ Hong Kong

Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

El "thriller" estadounidense de los años 70: Más allá de la violencia. In: Dirigido 2007. No. 363. [January] pp. 42-70.
Special section on the 1970s American thriller (Part 1).
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Gewalt ~ Violence

El "thriller" estadounidense de los años 70. In: Dirigido 2007. No. 364. [February] pp. 34-62.
Special section on the 1970s American thriller (Part 2).
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Die Thriller-Elite: Alan J. Pakula. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 168-169.
Includes a filmography.
Pakula, Alan J.
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Die Thriller-Elite: Alfred Hitchcock. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 158-161.
Includes a filmography.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Die Thriller-Elite: Brian de Palma. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 162-163.
Includes a filmography.
De Palma, Brian
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Die Thriller-Elite: Jean-Pierre Melville. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 164-165.
Includes a filmography.
Melville, Jean-Pierre
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Die Thriller-Elite: Sam Peckinpah. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 170-171.
Includes a filmography.
Peckinpah, Sam
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Tigoulet, Marie-Claude: Un thriller pas comme les autres: L’Ami américain. In: Wim Wenders. Présenté par Michel Estève. Avec des textes de Barthélemy Amengual [et al.]. - Paris: Lettres Modernes 1994. (= Études Cinématographiques 53. No. 159-164.) pp. 125-133.
On Der amerikanische Freund.
Wenders, Wim
amerikanische Freund, Der / Ami américain, L’ (1976)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Tokyo Drifter (Tokyo nagaremono). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 40.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Tokyo nagaremono (1966)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Trebbin, Frank: Die Angst sitzt neben dir: Psychothriller, Horror- und SF-Filme seit 1960. 4 Bände mit einem Registerband. - Berlin: Selbstverlag Frank Trebbin 1990-1994.
Raum-Deinzer, Uwe: [untitled] In: Moviestar 2. 1994. No. 8. [?D] p. 50.
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Horror ~ Horror
Angst ~ Fear

Trebbin, Frank: Die Angst sitzt neben dir. [Band 1:] Psychothriller, Horror- und SF-Filme seit 1960. - Berlin: Selbstverlag Frank Trebbin 1990.
T.M.: Eine Filmographie. In: Filmwärts ?G. 1990/1991. No. 18. [?D] p. VII.
Alphabetical encyclopedia sorted by German film titles.
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Horror ~ Horror
Angst ~ Fear

Tsui, Clarence: When worlds collide. In: Sunday Morning Post [HK], November 8, 2009. Section Sight&Sound, p. 8.
On Roland Emmerich’s apocalyptic thriller 2012.
Emmerich, Roland
2012 (2009)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Religion: Apokalypse ~ Religion: Apocalypse

Turner, George: Beyond the 7th Door is a thriller. In: American Cinematographer 68. 1987. No. 10. [October] pp. 71-74.
Benedikt, Bozidar D.
Beyond the 7th Door (1987)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Turner, George: Foreign Correspondent - The best spy thriller of all: World War II is backdrop for suspense classic. In: American Cinematographer 76. 1995. No. 8. [August] pp. 75-81.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Foreign Correspondent (1940)
Krieg ~ War
Thriller ~ Thriller

Turner, John B.: On suspense and other film matters: An interview with Alfred Hitchcock. In: Films in Review 1. 1950. No. 3. [April] p. 21.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Turner, John S. II: Collapsing the interior/exterior distinction: Surveillance, spectacle, and suspense in popular cinema. In: Wide Angle 20. 1998. No. 4. [?D] pp. 92-123.
Niccol, Andrew
Gattaca (1997)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Turnquist, K.: Licensed to thrill. In: Boxoffice 123. 1987. No. ?N. [August] pp. 9-11.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond

"Unsere Polizei ist nicht sexy": Interview mit Filmemacher Ralf Huettner über die Schwierigkeiten, einen deutschen Thriller zu drehen. In: Der Spiegel 50. 1996. No. 21. [May 20] pp. 224-225.
On Huettner’s Der kalte Finger.
Huettner, Ralf
kalte Finger, Der (1996)
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Thriller ~ Thriller
Polizei ~ Police
Deutschland ~ Germany

Unterwelt-Thriller. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 136-149.
Discusses, among others, Miller’s Crossing by Joel Coen.
Coen, Joel
Miller’s Crossing (1989)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Urbana, Cosimo: Projections, suspense, and anxiety: The modem horror film and ist effects. In: The Psychoanalytic Review 85. 1998. No. 6. [?D] pp. 889- 908.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Urbano, Cosimo: Projections, suspense, and anxiety: The modern horror film and its effects. In: The Psychoanalytic Review 85. 1998. No. 6. [?D] pp. 889-908.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Vernet, Marc: Autour de suspense: Réflexions sur le fétichisme. In: Cinéma et psychoanalyse. Reuni par Alain Dhote. (= Cinémaction 1989. No. 50. [January]) pp. 150-158.
Analyses the techniques of producing suspense in Hitchcock’s films according to the the theory of voyeurism founded by German psychoanalyst Karl Abraham.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Abraham, Karl
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller
Deutschland ~ Germany

Vertlieb, Steve: Dressed to thrill: The illusory frenzy of Brian DePalma. In: Cinemacabre ?G. 1982. No. 5. [Fall] pp. 4-17.
De Palma, Brian
Dressed to Kill (1980)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Vilotic, Zorica: Spannungsfeld Atmosphäre: Atmosphäre im Spielfilm. - Salzburg: Fachhochschule Salzburg, Magisterarbeit 2010.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Vilotic, Zorica: Spannungsfeld Atmosphäre: Atmosphäre im Spielfilm. - Hamburg: 2011.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Horror ~ Horror

Vlaeminckx, Jean-Michel: 9eme edition du Festival International du Film Fantastique Thriller et Sciences Fiction de Bruxelles. In: Le Moniteur du Film en Belgique ?G. 2001. No. 194. [February] pp. 29-30.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Festival ~ Festival
Brüssel ~ Brussels

Vogler, Christopher / Voytilla, Stuart: Myth and the movies: Discovering the mythic structure of 50 unforgettable films. - Studio City, California: Michael Wiese Productions 1999.
Discusses, among others, mythological motifs in horror, science fiction and adventure film as well as in the thriller genre.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Mythologie ~ Mythology
Horror ~ Horror
Abenteuer ~ Adventure

Volk, Stefan: Um jeden Preis: Kim Basinger in einem Thriller um eine Frau mit obsessivem Kinderwunsch. In: Film-Dienst 68. 2015. No. 15. [July 23] p. 39.
Morgenthaler, Anders
Basinger, Kim
I Am Here (2014)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Jugend ~ Youth
Frauen ~ Women

von Festenberg, Nikolaus: Gottes Finger. In: Der Spiegel 60. 2006. No. 36. [September 4] p. 186.
On Andreas Linke’s TV catastrophe thriller Tornado - Der Zorn des Himmels.
Linke, Andreas
Tornado - Der Zorn des Himmels (2006)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Religion ~ Religion
Katastrophen ~ Disasters
Fernsehen ~ Television

von Gaál, Imre: Mel Gibsons The Passion of the Christ - blutrünstiger Thriller oder aufrüttelndes Bekenntnis?. In: Klerusblatt 84. 2004. No. 3. [?D] pp. 60-61.
Gibson, Mel
Passion of the Christ, The (2004)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Blut ~ Blood
Religion ~ Religion

von Thüna, Ulrich: Die purpurnen Flüsse: Mathieu Kassovitz’ neuer Thriller spielt in einer Uni in den Alpen. In: EPD Film 18. 2001. No. 5. [May] p. 50.
On Les rivièrs pourpres.
Kassovitz, Mathieu
rivièrs pourpres, Les (2000)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Vorderer, Peter: "Spannung ist, wenn’s spannend ist": Zum Stand der psychologischen Spannungsforschung. In: Rundfunk und Fernsehen 42. 1994. No. 3. [?D] pp. 323-339.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Psychologie ~ Psychology

Vorderer, Peter: Action, Spannung, Rezeptionsgenuß. In: Rezeptionsforschung. Hrsg. von Michael Carlton. - Opladen: ?V 1997. pp. 241-253.
On the necessity for suspense, violence and action in the media.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Gewalt ~ Violence
Action ~ Action

Vorderer, Peter: Toward a psychological theory of suspense. In: Suspense: Conceptualizations, theoretical analyses, and empirical explorations. Edited by Peter Vorderer, Hans J. Wulff and Mike Friedrichsen. - Mahwah, New Jersey: Erlbaum 1996. (= LEA’s communication series.) p. ?P.
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Voyeur-Thriller. In: Thriller: Kino, das an den Nerven zerrt: Verhängnisvolle Affären, manische Psychopathen und ultracoole Cops. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Redaktion: Willy Loderhose. Autoren: Adolf Heinzelmeier und Tilo Knops. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1991. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 110-115.
Discusses, among others, David Lynch’s Blue Velvet and Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window.
Lynch, David
Hitchcock, Alfred
Blue Velvet (1986)
Rear Window (1954)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller

Wach, Alexandra: Schattenwald: Mystery-Thriller mit Hang zur schwarzen Romantik. In: Film-Dienst 68. 2015. No. 5. [March 5] p. 47.
Thies, Laura
Schattenwald (2015)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Romantik ~ Romanticism

Wagner, Chuck: Deep Blue Sea: Director Renny Harlin on his high-tech killer shark thriller. In: Cinefantastique 31. 1999. No. 7. [August] pp. 14-15.
Harlin, Renny
Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Wagner, Chuck: Schwarzenegger: The Sixth Day: Roger Spottiswood on directing a high-tech thriller on the moral issues of cloning. In: Cinefantastique 32. 2000. No. 4/5. [December] pp. 6-7.
Spottiswoode, Roger
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
6th Day, The (1999)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Wagner, Wieland: Warten auf den jüngsten Tag. In: Der Spiegel 63. 2009. No. 31. [July 27] p. 139.
On the advertising for Roland Emmerich’s apocalyptic thriller 2012 in Japan.
Emmerich, Roland
2012 (2009)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Japan ~ Japan
Religion: Apokalypse ~ Religion: Apocalypse

Wagner-Winterhager, Luise: Jugendliche und Gewaltvideos. In: Pädagogik 42. 1990. No. 7/8. [?D] pp. 16-20.
Discusses especially the horror film, the martial arts film and the action thriller.
Martial Art ~ Martial Art
Video ~ Video
Action ~ Action
Thriller ~ Thriller
Jugend ~ Youth
Gewalt ~ Violence
Horror ~ Horror

Wang, Yan: Obsession and thrill: The dual experience in the thriller movies of Brian De Palma. - Beijing: Peking University, Master 2009. [Abstract in: Dissertation Abstracts International C 75. 2009. No. 2.]
De Palma, Brian
Thriller ~ Thriller

Weaver, Tom: Licence to thrill, Part two. In: Fangoria 1996. No. 156. [September] pp. 12-17, 82.
Interview with producer Doug Benton on the "Universal Television’s Thriller" TV program of the 1960s.
Benton, Doug
Universal [Firma] ~ Universal [Company]
Thriller ~ Thriller
Fernsehen ~ Television

Weibel, Adrian: Spannung bei Hitchcock: Zur Funktionsweise des auktorialen suspense. - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2008.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Weibel, Adrian: Suspense im Animationsfilm. Band I: Methodik: Grundlagen der quantitativen Spannungsanalyse: Studienbeispiel Ice Age 3. - Norderstedt: Books on Demand 2016. (= Suspense im Animationsfilm 1.)
Saldanha, Carlos
Thurmeier, Mike
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Animation ~ Animation

Weibel, Adrian: Suspense im Animationsfilm. Band II: Szenen 2 - 21: Grundlagen der quantitativen Spannungsanalyse: Studienbeispiel Ice Age 3. - Norderstedt: Books on Demand 2016. (= Suspense im Animationsfilm 2.)
Saldanha, Carlos
Thurmeier, Mike
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Animation ~ Animation

Weibel, Adrian: Suspense im Animationsfilm. Band III: Szenen 22 - 41: Grundlagen der quantitativen Spannungsanalyse: Studienbeispiel Ice Age 3. (= Suspense im Animationsfilm 3.) - Norderstedt: Books on Demand 2016. (= Suspense im Animationsfilm 3.)
Saldanha, Carlos
Thurmeier, Mike
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Animation ~ Animation

Weibel, Adrian: Suspense im Animationsfilm. Band IV: Tabellen: Grundlagen der quantitativen Spannungsanalyse: Studienbeispiel Ice Age 3. - Norderstedt: Books on Demand 2016. (= Suspense im Animationsfilm 4.)
Saldanha, Carlos
Thurmeier, Mike
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Animation ~ Animation

Weinrichter, Antonio: Cuarteto en negro: Los thrillers de Kurosawa. In: Nosferatu 2003. No. 44/45. [December] pp. 50-56.
Kurosawa, Akira
Thriller ~ Thriller

Werner, Gosta: Inte bara spänning ... In: Chaplin 25. 1983. No. 4(187). [?D] pp. 164-166.
On the techniques of creating suspense in Hitchcock’s films.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Werner, Jochen: Profondo giallo. In: F.LM - Texte zum Film. Online edition, November 2009.
On Dario Argento’s Giallo.
Argento, Dario
Giallo (2009)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Werner, Jochen: Profondo giallo: Giallo. In: Splatting Image 2009. No. 79. [September] pp. 57-58.
Argento, Dario
Giallo (2009)
Thriller ~ Thriller

West, Ann Adele: Comedie noire thrillers of Alfred Hitchcock: Genres, psychoanalysis, and woman’s image. - Berkeley, California: University of California at Berkeley, Ph.D. 1982. [Abstract in: Dissertation Abstracts International A 44. 1983. No. 1. (July) p. 3A.]
Hitchcock, Alfred
Humor ~ Humor
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Thriller ~ Thriller
Film Noir ~ Film Noir
Frauen ~ Women

Williams, David E.: Digital post adds suspense to The Game. In: American Cinematographer 78. 1997. No. 9. [September] p. 41.
On the special effects for the film by David Fincher.
Fincher, David
Game, The (1997)
Technik: Computer ~ Technology: Computer
Thriller ~ Thriller
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects

Williams, David E.: The sins of a serial killer: Seven offers grisly thrills, stylishly filmed. In: American Cinematographer 76. 1995. No. 10. [October] pp. 34-42.
On the film by David Fincher and on the camera work of Darius Khondij.
Fincher, David
Khondij, Darius
Se7en (1995)
Technik: Kamera ~ Technology: Camera
Thriller ~ Thriller
Mord ~ Murder

Williams, Linda Ruth: The erotic thriller in contemporary cinema. - Edinburg: Edinburgh University Press 2005.
Andrews, David: [untitled.] In: Journal of Film and Video 59. 2007. No. 1. [Spring] pp. 49-51.
Newman, Kim: [untitled] In: Sight and Sound NS 15. 2005. No. 11. [November] p. 94.
Thriller ~ Thriller
Sexualität ~ Sexuality

Williams, Tony: From Red Dragon to Manhunter. In: Dissecting Hannibal Lecter: Essays on the novels of Thomas Harris. Edited by Benjamin Szumskyj. Foreword by Daniel O’Brien. - Jefferson, North Carolina; London: McFarland & Co. 2008. pp. 102-117.
Harris, Thomas
Mann, Michael
Manhunter (1986)
Red Dragon (Literatur ~ Literature)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Mord ~ Murder

Wolf, Martin: Augen auf und durch. In: Der Spiegel 60. 2006. No. 50. [December 11] pp. 186-187.
On Mel Gibson’s Maya thriller Apocalypto.
Gibson, Mel
Apocalypto (2006)
Maya ~ Maya
Thriller ~ Thriller

Wood, Catherine: The influence on art of the master of suspense. In: Lancet 354. 1999. No. 9181. [September 4.] p. 872.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Thriller ~ Thriller

Wood, Gary: The Hunt for Red October. In: Cinefantastique 20. 1990. No. 4. [March] p. 13.
Interview with screenwriter Larry Ferguson on the filming of Tom Glancy’s spy thriller.
Ferguson, Larry
Glancy, Tom
McTiernan, John
Hunt for Red October, The (1990)
Spione ~ Spys
Thriller ~ Thriller

Worschech, Rudolf: Im Zweifel für den Angeklagten? Der Film Rohtenburg darf vorerst nicht in den Kinos anlaufen. In: EPD Film 23. 2006. No. 4. [April] p. 6.
On the legal debate over Martin Weisz’s cannibal thriller based on a true story.
Weisz, Martin
Rohtenburg (2005)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Kannibalismus ~ Cannibalism

Worschech, Rudolf: Vier Männer und ein Lastwagen: DVD-Premiere der französische Actionthriller Sweat. In: EPD Film 24. 2007. No. 5. [May] p. 59.
On a DVD edition of Louis-Pascal Couvelaire’s Sueurs.
Couvelaire, Louis-Pascal
Sueurs (2002)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Männer ~ Men
Frankreich ~ France
Action ~ Action

Wulff, Hans Jürgen: Suspense and the influence of cataphora on viewer’s expectations. In: Suspense: Conceptualizations, theoretical analyses, and empirical explorations. Edited by Hans Jürgen Wulff, Peter Vorderer and Mike Friedrichsen. - Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass. 1996. (= Communication.) p. ?P.
Thriller ~ Thriller

Wuss, Peter: Grundformen filmischer Spannung. In: Montage/AV 2. 1993. No. 2. pp. 101-116.
Discusses, among others, Hitchcock’s Young and Innocent.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Young and Innocent / Girl Was Young, The (1937)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Youth of the Beast (Yaju no seishun). In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 33.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Yaju no seishun (1963)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Yumeji. In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 45.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Yumeji (1991)
Thriller ~ Thriller

Zigeunerweisen. In: Branded to thrill: The delirious cinema of Suzuki Seijun. Edited by Simon Field and Tony Rayns. - London: Institute of Contemporary Arts / London: Japan Foundation 1994. p. 43.
Suzuki, Seitaro [Pseudonym: Suzuki, Seijun]
Zigeunerweisen (1980)
Thriller ~ Thriller

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